Next week at Carcroft – It’s a busy one!

(Week commencing – Monday 4th July)

Monday – Children to come in PE kit for the Sports For Champions visit.

Tuesday – Children to come in non-school uniform and bring a chocolate donation for the Summer Fayre, Nursery to come in sensible footwear as it is their sports day in the afternoon at 1:30pm.

Wednesday – Children to come in PE kit in for Sports Day (KS2 9am-11:30am/ KS1 1pm-2:30pm)

Thursday – Summer Fayre (2:30pm – 4:30pm)

Seeing Santa

Crew Mcloughlin and Crew Fox will have the opportunity to see Santa tomorrow between 3.15 and 3.45. If you’re child walks home they will be a little later. If you collect your child please come later if you child wants to see Santa.

Every child is welcome but it isn’t compulsory.

Don’t forget its a no charge event


Office Crew

Christmas Cards

Can you ensure Christmas cards are brought in by Friday 11th December as we need to isolate them for 72 hours before we can distribute them out.
Any cards that come after Friday may not be given out due.
Thank you for understanding

Festive Family Fun


We have been sent a calendar full of Christmas activities to share with children at home from the Doncaster Family & Community learning centre. If you would like to participate in any of these lovely sessions, all you need to do is email [email protected] and ask to be enrolled ahead of the tutorials/videos.

On other days, they will be posting activity ideas with step by step videos for your family to use as and when. A lovely way to feel Christmassy indoors.

School Parking

Please can parents/carers avoid parking in front of the drives of the houses across from the school when dropping off and collecting children. The occupants need access to their drives at all times. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

Food Bank Donations

Hi everyone,

During this difficult time we understand there are so many families that are struggling, therefore at Carcroft we want to do our bit to support families in our local community and the surrounding area.

We’re asking for a minimum of one non perishable item per child / family, that we are going to donate to our local food bank.

Each classroom will have a donation basket / table for your children to put your donations on.
We will be running this from Monday 16th November – Friday 20th November.
Thank you so much for you continued support
Office Crew

School Meals

Due to a staff shortage in the school kitchen, the sandwich option has been withdrawn until Monday 23rd November. We are sorry for any inconvenience but there will still be three meal options for the children to choose from.

Covid-19 Update

Covid Update 

Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing with a little update regarding Covid-19 and where we currently stand as a school. At the moment, we currently have one live Covid Case in School, Mrs Lythe our Business Manager, this was shared with parents on Thursday last week. However, at the time of writing, we shared that nobody else was impacted as a result. Since then, after seeking further guidance from Public Health, it was confirmed that I (Miss Laing) was classed as being in contact with Mrs Lythe on Tuesday 3rd November, therefore, since Thursday evening, I have isolated and I am undertaking my role as Headteacher from home, with Miss Whitehead, Mrs Fox, Mr Longley and Mr Tucker running things in school.
In addition, Mrs Wilcox decided that as a precautionary measure, she would feel better isolating for 14 days and is therefore undertaking her role as Senior Admin Assistant from home too. This was not a recommendation from Public Health, but ultimately staff voice is important as we have a duty of care to maintain staff health and well-being, therefore, I fully respected Mrs Wilcox’s decision to isolate and as a result we will both return on Wednesday 18th November.
In summary, Mrs Wilcox, Mrs Lythe and myself are all undertaking our roles from home and Mrs Atkinson is manning the office. Please may we ask that you refrain from contacting the office as much possible and contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions during this time.
Mrs Atkinson is also struggling to juggle the number of pupils arriving late in a morning with her being on her own, please may we ask that you arrive on time in the morning so that your child can go into class with their peers and saves Mrs Atkinson a job. Thank you in advance.
Further staff isolation…
Just this morning, Mrs Elmer has been asked to isolate as someone in her household is awaiting a test result. The guidance states that if this is positive, Mrs Elmer will be required to isolate, but if it is negative, Mrs Elmer can return to work. Until then, Miss Hart and our Trainee Teacher, Miss Clarke will look after Crew Elmer today and Mrs Elmer will ‘dial in’ to keep in contact with the class and will teach ‘live’ tomorrow. We will keep parents in the loop as soon as we have further information from Mrs Elmer.
Staffing, shielding and bubbles
In addition to staff isolating as outlined above, we have also had to make some staffing changes due to staff being asked to shield due to them being in the extremely clinically vulnerable category. This has unfortunately affected the Y3 classes as Mrs Lowe has been asked to shield at this time. We thought that we had this covered with Miss Hart and Mrs Elmer and Mrs Clarke would have been ok in Crew Elmer, but as a result of Mrs Elmer’s absence, we are now coming up with another plan in order to ensure that things can run smoothly in Year 3 in Mrs Lowe’s absence. We look forward to having Mrs Lowe back with us as soon as it’s proven safe to do so.
We will continue to keep parents in the loop as much as we possibly can during the next few weeks and will do everything in which we can in order to continue to educate the children of Carcroft whilst keeping everyone safe and well.
Thank you for your continued support,

Kirsty Laing 
