Staying Safe Online – Don’t Talk to Strangers!

In todays Crew session we explored online safety. We all agreed that the internet is an amazing place to learn, play, and connect with friends, but it’s important to stay safe! Just like in real life, never talk to strangers online. If someone you don’t know messages you, don’t reply—tell a trusted adult instead. Never share personal information like your name, school, or address, and always be careful about what you post. Mason then created some wonderful, informative slides, to share with his peers.

Remember: If something doesn’t feel right, speak up! Stay smart, stay safe, and enjoy the internet responsibly.

Internet Safety Day

Yesterday it was Internet Safety Day which is a really important focus especially as most of us are online at some point.

In Crew, we discussed our favourite thing to do online and how to ensure we keep safe. We discussed scenarios of what to do if something happened such as someone being unkind via messages or a stranger adding them. We then identified who our trusted adults were so children knew who they could speak to if they felt unsafe or uncomfortable online.

E Safety day! 🌎💻

This morning in crew, we looked at how we can keep ourselves safe whilst using the internet. First, we had a discussion on how we keep ourselves safe in school, the playground and the wider community. We came up with some fantastic ideas such as “follow the rules and listen to instructions” “don’t talk to strangers and people we don’t know” and “don’t use the tyres and climbing frames when it has rained as they will be wet and slippy and we could get hurt”. We then discussed the different ways we can access the internet and why we need to use it. It provides us with entertainment, allows us to communicate with others and can help us to learn new things. Finally, we designed an influencer who had a positive impact on the wider community. Some ideas we came up with were: gymnasts, gamers, fashion designers and athletics.

E Safety

In crew today we have been learning about the importance of keeping ourselves online. This is an aspect we have spoke about before as it is essential that we conduct ourselves responsibility online. We thought about how to keep smart online and if we were worried about something then we ~ stop, close and tell someone. We were able to identify some of the issues that we may encounter online and how important it is to speak to others. We then created some posters with ideas of how to stay safe online. 

E Safety Day

In crew, we have been learning about the importance of keeping ourselves online. This is an aspect we have spoke about before as it is essential that we conduct ourselves responsibility online. We were able to identify some of the issues that we may encounter online and how important it is to speak to others. We then created some posters with ideas of how to stay safe online.