LKS2 Presentation of Learning

This morning, LKS2 were joined by lots of their adults to take part in a presentation of the learning we have done throughout our most recent expedition entitled ‘From Bean to Bar’ with the guiding question, ‘What is the Cost of a Bar of Chocolate?’

We began our presentation by sharing the narrative of our expedition, explaining each of our case studies (History, Science and DT) and the rationale behind each of these. We then worked in mini crews to demonstrate some of our favourite activities from throughout the expedition: Mayan mask making and timeline work from our History case study, a viscosity experiment and solids, liquids and gases sorting from our Science case study and a fresh vs processed food sorting activity from our DT case study. We also took part in a Kahoot quiz to test our overall sticky knowledge on the Mayans!

Once everybody had explored the different activities, they were all given the opportunity to sample some of the Mayan inspired recipes we have worked on during our DT case study – tuna, avocado and salad wraps for starter, a sweet potato and polenta bake for main and some chocolate and chilli cupcakes for dessert! We even treated everyone to a traditional Mayan drink – hot chocolate (with a twist as it was made with real cacao powder and had a hint of chilli!)

We ended our presentation of learning with our adults taking home our final product – some delicious chocolate and chilli cupcakes that were designed, baked and boxed by our very own hands! We had so much fun with our adults and received lots of wonderful parent and pupil voice from the event. Thank you again to everyone who has attended! 

EYFS Celebration of Learning

A huge thank you to the grown ups who joined us for our EYFS Celebration of Learning. We loved creating collages of pirate hats and mermaid tails with you, and we were really proud to give out our final products – bin stickers to encourage recycling within our local community.

Crew MW – End of Spring 2 round-up

We did lots of exciting things during our final weeks of Spring 2.

We planted our own sunflower seeds and can’t wait to see how they grow! We carefully made sure that our seeds had enough compost before looking at our tiny seeds and even whispering kind things to them so that they would grow beautifully. We then made sure that they were well covered and we will keep checking in on them so that they grow into super sunflowers!

As well as planting our own seeds that will turn into flowers, we looked carefully at the different parts of flowers that had already grown. We talked about the stem, the leaves and the petals. We carefully dissected each of the parts, thinking about what they looked like, how the felt and we even smelt the petals! We then used the parts to create natural art. We also used some of the petals to add to our water tray to make beautiful potions and perfumes!

We also looked at the Easter story and talked about why Easter is important and the need for us to celebrate it many years later.

We spent some time admiring our beautiful work from this expedition that is now on display outside our classroom. We enjoyed spotting ourselves and our friends on the pictures, finding our work and talking about all the fantastic learning we have done this term!

Finally, we celebrated our fantastic Spring Term by inviting our lovely grown ups into school to our Celebration of Learning. We performed our song ‘Gingerbread Man on the Run’ before completing Easter crafts with our grown ups. We also shared our beautiful work books and talked about all of the hard work we had done this term.

A big thank you to all the grown ups who came in to share this event with the children – they have worked so hard and we are all so proud of what they have achieved!

A really busy, but really fun term! Well done Crew MW, you are all superstars!

Crew Dorman – Celebration of Learning

Crew Dorman had our Celebration of Learning this morning!

It all started in September, with the Expedition – ‘Exploring our World’ our guiding question was ‘What do stories tell us about Autumn?’

All term we have been exploring our nursery indoors and out, reading stories and getting used to all of our play areas and daily routines.

In Case study 1 our focus story was ‘Owl babies’ and we learnt about our family and other families like ours.

In Case study 2 we looked at non fiction books on ‘Diwali’ and ‘Bonfire night’ and learnt the rhyme ‘5 Little firemen’ with actions!

Finally, in Case study 3 our focus story was ‘Percy the Park Keeper – After the Storm’. We used what we had found out about our environment and forests in our stories, to look closely at the animals and plants in Percy’s park. We were incredibly creative throughout all of our expedition. We made lots of artwork, building up our art skills and confidence, to be creative with lots of different materials inside and outside!

During our celebration of learning, we showcased our ownership of our learning environment, by showing our parents where we like to play. We showed off our crafting and printing skills making ‘Clay hedgehogs, ‘Leaf man’ pictures and Autumnal handprints! We also talked about our favourite stories R said to Mrs Dorman “I like the Leaf man story!” and N said “I like the Percy book!”

Thank you to everyone who has made our expedition so magical and a big thank you to everyone today for celebrating all of our wonderful learning! What a fantastic day! Well done Crew Dorman!

Why don’t you practice the rhyme ‘5 Little leaves’ at home or take a look at one of our favourite stories ‘Leaf Man’.

LKS2 Celebration of Learning

This afternoon, the children had the opportunity to share their expedition journey with their parents. They did an absolutely amazing job of speaking in front of an audience and proudly showed off the learning they have been doing. They should be beyond proud of themselves for the product they’ve produced.

We have a limited number of newspapers available for a donation if you would like a copy.

Thank you so much to all the grown ups that joined us for our Celebration of learning this afternoon. We really appreciate the support you’ve shown today.