What can we find in the ocean?

Today, we introduced our Case Study 2 text – Commotion in the Ocean! We made our predictions and talked about what we could see on the front cover, before reading the story and learning all about the different animals that live in the ocean. Once we had read the story, we thought about some of the different creatures and animals we had seen and wether we would find them at the seaside in England, or if they live in the oceans around the world.

Exploring rock pools and the ocean

This week in Crew MW, we have hooked in to Case Study 2 – How can we help to save the ocean? We started off by looking at our tuff tray that had been split in half. We looked carefully at the tray and decided that half must be ocean and half was a rock pool! Once we had worked this out, we looked at some books about the ocean and rock pools, and talked about which creatures and animals lived in each habitat. We loved talking about which animal we had and where we thought they would live.

Coastal, rural, city or town?

In today’s geography lesson we learnt what key features make the different types of places.

Coastal – it has a beach.

Rural – in the middle of nowhere.

Town/village – it has houses, shops and hotels.

City – it has a lot of buildings and they are tall like skyscrapers.

Marvellous Maps

As part of Hook Week we have created maps of Carcroft in the style of David Hockney. The children used tea bags to stain their paper and then used pictures of places in Carcroft and cut and arranged them. We think they look fantastic!

Hooking in to expedition!

Crew MW have spent the morning hooking into their new expedition – ‘What happens where the sea meets the shore?’ The day started with us finding a basket in our classroom…

‘It’s a basket!’ – Hilaryanna

‘A picnic basket!’ – Harlow

Before we had a peep inside the basket, we thought about what you might find inside a picnic basket. These were our ideas: food, a blanket to sit on, sandwiches, bananas, healthy food like fruit and veg and a drink.

But it wasn’t picnic food that we found in the basket…It was items for the seaside! After exploring what we would take to the beach with us on our trip in a few weeks, we talked about what a beach was like. Some of us were a little unsure, so we decided to make a beach in the classroom! We had sand, water in the paddling pool, buckets, spades, shells, fish and nets…it was so much fun paddling in the water and catching the fish with our nets. We loved exploring the sand too and adding water to it to see what it would be like when the tide came in!

Expert Visitor in KS1

We were very lucky to be visited today by Geoff who works at XP. He came to show us his drone and talk about how he can use it to take aeriel photographs from high up in the sky. Unfortunately it was just too wet and windy for us to go outside and flying the drone but Geoff has promised to come back on a nice sunny day so we can see the drone flying and try and spot some landmarks in Carcroft.