Thank you to everyone who joined us for our celebration of learning. We are so proud of our final product.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our celebration of learning. We are so proud of our final product.
We are really enjoying publishing our persuasive letters and can’t wait to get these sent to Mrs Atherton.
We were all so proud of our year 5 children as they showcased their incredible guitar skills to the rest of the school and to parents and carers. Thank you to everyone that joined us 🙂
We are all so proud of our finished art work 🙂 There was some great sketching techniques used.
In today’s RE lesson we learnt all about the month of Ramadan and what Muslims do during this month. During this time, Muslims fast during the daylight hours to demonstrate self control and discipline as well as empathy towards those people who unfortunately have to starve on daily basis. This time is especially important because it brings the family closer together and it is a chance for Muslims to reflect and be close to Allah. Throughout the lesson, we had great discussions and watched a couple of video clips to help us to understand what happens during this special month.
Today we finished plot point 3 of our persuasive letter! We only have our conclusion left to write then we can send our letters to Mrs Atherton 🙂
Our entry ticket allowed us to think back to our expeditionary learning and what Egyptians did for fun. We then used a partner read, echo read and an independent read to read the next part of the text. We unpicked the vocabulary as we read. Our reasons to read consolidated our understanding of the text and allowed some of our own opinions to be voiced. Our exit ticket allowed us to experiment with a range of the games and evaluate which ones we liked the best and why. We then worked on the speed of our reading, Mrs McClare timed us and we voiced how many words we had read in a minute.
Today we discussed the importance of good hygiene which linked to the talk we had last week with the school nurse. We watched a video clip then took part in a class quiz.
Year 5 loved this 🙂
Lovely to see these children share their beautiful work 🙂