Busy week in Nursery

This week in nursery, we have been finishing our sorting topic in Maths. Some of the children practiced sorting the different chameleon pictures into their colours and sizes. The children enjoyed looking at the chameleon pictures and wanted to create some of their own. They enjoyed learning that chameleons change different colours and created lots of rainbow chameleons to show this.

We also are having lots of fun in our mini beach role play area with the different resources to play with including our ice cream shop and our sandy paddling pool.

Hook Week in Nursery

In nursery, this week, we have been enjoying different activities to hook us into our new summer expedition. We read Billy’s Bucket, and talked about what we can do at the seaside and our past experiences. 

We watched a clip from The Little Mermaid and named different sea animals, then we looked at different pictures of other sea animals and saw how many we could name as a crew. 

Then, we began planting our seeds and beans ahead of looking at growing in a few weeks.

Shape Practice

Nursery had lots of fun in maths today practicing drawing different shapes and learning their shape names ready to practice sorting them tomorrow. Ruby even chose to practice drawing rectangles in provision this morning.

Hook Week in nursery!

We have started our Spring expedition here in nursery. It is called “Once Upon a Time” and our guiding question is “Who is hiding in the pages of this book?” During hook week we have read the story ‘The Great Nursery Rhyme Disaster’ and explored the different nursery rhymes in the book. We made a list of nursery rhymes we liked, sung nursery rhymes in class and acted out nursery rhymes in our nursery puppet theatre. Our parents came in to share a story or rhyme with us this Friday and we have had lots of fun making ‘Rhyming stones’ for our outdoor area. Phew! We have even met lots of new friends that started nursery this week and have helped them to settle in.

Well done FS1!

FS1 Crew Christmas cards!

Here they are! Our Christmas cards! I think you will agree that all of our drafts and re-drafts, practising our printing and colour mixing really did pay off! We all worked so hard getting these cards ready for Christmas and Mrs Dorman, Mrs Mason and our parents are really proud of us!

Happy Christmas!

FS1 – Art in process – Printing for Christmas!

For the last two weeks we have been very busy starting our Christmas art work. We looked at lots of different card designs with prints on and decided we would like to try finger printing our own cards for Christmas. We tested out our prints last week and practiced printing along the line in groups using different coloured printing pads. This week we explored colour mixing using red, blue and yellow to make orange, green and purple. Next week, we are going to further improve our work, as we thought we would like to use the colours we had mixed for our final print! We will have three re-drafts when we are finished! Phew! Watch this space our Christmas cards are going to be fantastic!