Exploring Hinduism

Today we have started our third case study, Hinduism. We have explored the key facts, did you know that hinduism is the worlds oldest religion? Most Hindu’s live in India, in Doncaster there are approximately 1,294 Hindu’s. We discovered that Hinduism is third largest religion worldwide, after Christianity and Islam. To finish off our first lesson today we carried out a Kahoot quiz to assess our understanding, needless to say, Leo had remembered lots of key facts!

Building fires in Scotty’s

Crew Godley had so much fun at Scotty’s today! We were taught all about the triangle of requirements for a successful fire heat, oxygen and fuel. He then showed us how to build our own fire pit and how to use a cotton wool ball and a flint to generate a fire. We were all so excited to develop our skills whilst also keeping safe. We then used the skills he taught us to add sticks to the flame to begin building the fire. We can’t wait to build upon our skills next week to see if we can keep it going for longer and build it even bigger.

Becky Green – an inspiration!

What a fantastic way to kick start our sport week with a GB Freestyler Kayaker! Becky Green inspired children this morning with her passion for kayaking, at such a young age she has achieved so much! Our children practised some key skills and exercises to get their bodies moving.

Do you brush your teeth?

This week in Crew we have been exploring the importance of brushing our teeth, daily. We explored the effects of different drinks on our teeth by using eggs, the shell is similar to our tooth enamel. We placed an egg in water, dilute juice and a fizzy drink. We were shocked to see how the dilute juice impacted the egg shell, causing it to dissolve. This reiterated how important to brush our teeth twice a day, before bed and in the morning. It was fascinating to watch how the shells dissolved and made some really strange formations after just leaving it in the liquid for a day. Imagine not brushing your teeth for a day!