Book Talk and Demo Comp – The very dangerous dinosaur.

Crew Hamill have really enjoyed this week’s book – The very dangerous dinosaur. We have lots of dinosaur fans in our reading group and they loved discovering the mischief that the dangerous dinosaur got up to. We spent the beginning of the week predicting what we thought might happen in the story based on a few pictures from the text and a brief introduction to the story. This allowed us to make notices and wonders about the story, using evidence from what we had read and seen to support our learning. We then unpicked some of the more difficult vocabulary in the story, allowing us to improve our fluency when echo reading, reading in pairs and reading independently. Following this, during our book talk question lesson, we were able to use Fastest Finger and Have a Think skills to accurately find the answers to questions about the story. Finally, we worked in mini crews to focus on inference questions within a demo comprehension lesson. We developed our skills from last week in which we found the key information in the question to find the key information in the text. This information gave us clues that enabled us to come up with a sensible answer to the questions, using the clue to support our ideas. We will then be able to apply these skills to our independent learning during our independent comprehension.

Ancient Egyptian BBK

On Monday afternoon, we used the Children’s University of Manchester to develop our knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians whilst improving our digital literacy. This was really interesting and we learnt loads of new things (some of us even wanted to read up more about what we’d looked at on Myon)!

Book Talk – The Great Chocoplot

In our book talk lessons this week, we started a new book called “The Great Chocoplot” by Chris Callaghan. First, we started off by completing a jigsaw of the front cover. We then discussed what we thought the book may be about, whether the book would be a fiction or a non fiction book and how we know this. We came up with some fantastic ideas such as “the girl on the front cover might have stole a chocolate bar and they are investigating it. We then read some of the book, text marking any important information and words which we don’t understand. We read around the word and looked at the root word to unpick these words.

New Reading Challenge! Who will earn a golden ticket?

“I’ve got a golden ticket!” – Who will be able to say these 5 magical words by the end of Summer Term?! Crew Hamill have been challenged again to read at home and this time, there will be FIVE winners! The first 5 to reach the golden tickets at the top of our challenge, by reading 30 times, will receive a special reward (that may or may not involve a chocolate baking treat). It’s been so lovely to see the engagement from the children already in this challenge! Lots of children’s names are moving up the oompa loompas and heading towards golden victory!

Our tower – where are the leaves coming from?

Today we experienced the next part of our book and looked at what we saw out of our tower, we could see lots of leaves blowing from the park that is on the out skirts of the grey, dull city. We watched them blow passed us and created our own green leaf. We then made a pack lunch to take with us on our adventure to find where the leaves were coming from. We enjoyed our jam sandwich outside under the tree.