Y1 tile artwork

To celebrate the end of our Islam learning we created an Islamic artwork tile using dots and lines. We did this through learning about the artist William Morris who designs lots of patterned artwork for wallpapers.

Sweet Potato and Polenta Bake

We continued with our DT case study by cooking a sweet potato and polenta bake. This dish required us to use a wider range of skills such as slicing, chopping, grating, mixing, reducing liquids and then assembling the dish in a similar way to how you’d make a lasagna.

When the dish was cooked, there were lots of reluctant children who would try it. However, with some encouragement they tried a little. Surprisingly, some of them absolutely loved it to the point they crowded round the dish with a spoon.

During this case study, it’s required children to push themselves outside their comfort zone and for some they have found foods they like that they’d have been unwilling to try before.


Last week, we baked some buns as part of our DT case study. We had to collect the ingredients we needed before weighing everything out. We worked in small groups ensuring that everyone was able to participate. This allowed us to learn the skills that we’ll need for the final product.

DT – Baking

Crew Hamill are working hard in DT lessons, learning everything they need to be able to cook and bake Mayan dishes ready for their presentation of learning. We started with our dessert – cupcakes! We’ve had a practice run at following the instructions and using the right amount of ingredients to create some vanilla cupcakes topped with buttercream!

EYFS Celebration of Learning

A huge thank you to the grown ups who joined us for our EYFS Celebration of Learning. We loved creating collages of pirate hats and mermaid tails with you, and we were really proud to give out our final products – bin stickers to encourage recycling within our local community.