Busy week in Nursery

This week in nursery, we have been finishing our sorting topic in Maths. Some of the children practiced sorting the different chameleon pictures into their colours and sizes. The children enjoyed looking at the chameleon pictures and wanted to create some of their own. They enjoyed learning that chameleons change different colours and created lots of rainbow chameleons to show this.

We also are having lots of fun in our mini beach role play area with the different resources to play with including our ice cream shop and our sandy paddling pool.

Exploring seasides in the past

This week in expedition, we have been looking at what seasides used to be like in the past. We’ve explored lots of photographs and pictures and talked about what we could see in each one that tells us about the past. Then we looked at a mix of photographs and pictures and tried to work out which were old and which were new using the clues in the pictures and our own experiences. We found out that not all black and white photographs are old! Next week, when we have been on our trip, we will begin to compare seasides in the past and seasides now after we have all experienced the beach!

Earth Day – Seed Bombs

To celebrate Earth Day, we spent time in our XP Outdoors crew session making seed bombs!

We used flour, wildflower seeds, compost and water and mixed them altogether to create a mixture. We then took this mixture and rolled it into golf-sized balls and put them aside to dry. Once they are dry we will take some home but also plant some in our outdoor area at school. Seed bombs simply need to be dropped into soil and nature will do the rest. Over time they will turn into beautiful wildflowers!

St George’s Day Celebrations

Yesterday, we spent our afternoon celebrating St George’s Day in Crew MW! We begun the day by learning about who St George was and what he did to earn a special day in England. Some of us then decided that we wanted to make a shield just like St George had while we were in provision. We got to work cutting the shapes out of the cardboard (although this bit was tricky and we needed some help), and then decorated our shields using tissue paper, pompoms, coloured pencils and feathers.

At lunch time, we had a special picnic to celebrate! It was delicious!

In the afternoon, we chose to make fearsome dragons like the one St George defeated! We followed the steps to cut out the different pieces, then joined them all together to create our scary dragons!

Hook Week in Nursery

In nursery, this week, we have been enjoying different activities to hook us into our new summer expedition. We read Billy’s Bucket, and talked about what we can do at the seaside and our past experiences. 

We watched a clip from The Little Mermaid and named different sea animals, then we looked at different pictures of other sea animals and saw how many we could name as a crew. 

Then, we began planting our seeds and beans ahead of looking at growing in a few weeks.

Hooking in to expedition!

Crew MW have spent the morning hooking into their new expedition – ‘What happens where the sea meets the shore?’ The day started with us finding a basket in our classroom…

‘It’s a basket!’ – Hilaryanna

‘A picnic basket!’ – Harlow

Before we had a peep inside the basket, we thought about what you might find inside a picnic basket. These were our ideas: food, a blanket to sit on, sandwiches, bananas, healthy food like fruit and veg and a drink.

But it wasn’t picnic food that we found in the basket…It was items for the seaside! After exploring what we would take to the beach with us on our trip in a few weeks, we talked about what a beach was like. Some of us were a little unsure, so we decided to make a beach in the classroom! We had sand, water in the paddling pool, buckets, spades, shells, fish and nets…it was so much fun paddling in the water and catching the fish with our nets. We loved exploring the sand too and adding water to it to see what it would be like when the tide came in!

Crew MW – End of Spring 2 round-up

We did lots of exciting things during our final weeks of Spring 2.

We planted our own sunflower seeds and can’t wait to see how they grow! We carefully made sure that our seeds had enough compost before looking at our tiny seeds and even whispering kind things to them so that they would grow beautifully. We then made sure that they were well covered and we will keep checking in on them so that they grow into super sunflowers!

As well as planting our own seeds that will turn into flowers, we looked carefully at the different parts of flowers that had already grown. We talked about the stem, the leaves and the petals. We carefully dissected each of the parts, thinking about what they looked like, how the felt and we even smelt the petals! We then used the parts to create natural art. We also used some of the petals to add to our water tray to make beautiful potions and perfumes!

We also looked at the Easter story and talked about why Easter is important and the need for us to celebrate it many years later.

We spent some time admiring our beautiful work from this expedition that is now on display outside our classroom. We enjoyed spotting ourselves and our friends on the pictures, finding our work and talking about all the fantastic learning we have done this term!

Finally, we celebrated our fantastic Spring Term by inviting our lovely grown ups into school to our Celebration of Learning. We performed our song ‘Gingerbread Man on the Run’ before completing Easter crafts with our grown ups. We also shared our beautiful work books and talked about all of the hard work we had done this term.

A big thank you to all the grown ups who came in to share this event with the children – they have worked so hard and we are all so proud of what they have achieved!

A really busy, but really fun term! Well done Crew MW, you are all superstars!