UKS2 Final Product Celebration
Dear parents/carers,
Our summer expedition final product is now ready to be celebrated. The children across UKS2 have worked alongside Green Top, Plover and Norton Juniors to produce an educational video to answer the guiding question, ‘How can a healthy lifestyle impact your body and mind?’ We would like to invite you into school to celebrate this video with our pupils on Wednesday 20th July at 8:50am. A selection of refreshments will be available whilst children share their final product and also share their learning from the whole summer expedition.
Please fill in the google form to confirm your attendance. We hope you can make it!
Thank you
PE days in transition week
Hi all,
Pe slots are as follows next week (week commencing Monday 11th July) due to it being transition week.
Year 1 (Current FS2) – Wednesday
Year 2 (Current Y1) – Wednesday
Year 3 (Current Y2) – Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 4 (Current Y3) – Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 5 (Current Y4) – Wednesday
Year 6 (Current Y5) – Tuesday
Thank you
Miss Marsh
Summer Fayre Today, Thursday 7th July
We can’t wait to see you all at the Summer Fayre later. Children can be picked up at 2.30pm form their classroom doors where they will be signed out.
There will be activities on the field / playground and in the school halls. .
You can enter the hall via the white doors next to Year 6 where activities will also be taking place.
Can we please ask that you fetch loose change if possible, most activities will be 50p /£1.
Activities include:
Ice cream van
Disco Bouncy Castle
Face painting
Transfer tattoos
Hook a duck
Splat the rat
Tin can alley
Balloon burst
Lemon or Lime
Chocolate tombola
Bottle stall
We will also be selling hot dogs (available at the servery)
Cartons of pop
Foundation Stage will be selling the ice cream they have produced for their final product
Outwood Transition days 13th/14th July timings
Children to arrive at 8:15 and they finish at 2:30. Lunch will be provided however they can take their packed lunch. They also need to be in Carcroft school uniform. Children need to make their own way there and back, transport is not something Carcroft provide.
DT 🍓🍇🍊🍌
After sports day we were in need of some nutrients so we made out own fruit salad! We looked at the sugar content but discussed that these were natural sugar that occurred in fruit.
KS2 Sports day
KS2 Sports day:
Gates will open at 9:00am and close at 9:10am.
Children will go round the carousel of activities in their teams to try and earn the most points.
At the end of the sports day, children will sit in their teams on the grass for the winner to be announced, and parents can spectate this on the muga pitch. Children will then walk past for a last goodbye before entering back into school. The gate will be opened for parents at 11:30am.
There will be a barrier that parents are not allowed past, in order to keep our children safe and keep the activities moving.
Thank you for your continued support
James Dasaolu Visit (4.7.22) 🏃🇬🇧
Carcroft was lucky to have a visit from the second fastest man in Britain – James Dasaolu. We were lucky to hear about the journey James took to reach the top of his sport and even compete at two Olympic Games.
James was very inspiring as he spoke about his lows and how it motivated him to reach the highs, which led to him setting the second fastest time in British history for the 100m. He ran a staggering 9.91 seconds, which was the equivalent of 25mph.
The children listened amazingly well and were hanging on James’ every word. They loved asking a variety of questions and some were unique, which James had never been asked before. After the the questions, each year group was lucky to have a circuit training session with James. He definitely put Years 1 to 6 through their paces.
We will be handing out the gold, silver and bronze awards when we receive them in due course. This should be soon.
Check out our video below of our awesome visitor:
Carcroft’s visit from gold medalist: James Dasalou
The whole school had an assembly with James this afternoon, and now each crew will participate in a physical activity with James! Such an inspiration to our young athletes in the making.