Today, Crew Shields have created some posters using the vocabulary we collected yesterday about the negatives of bullying. Children were using the quote, ‘Words hurt more than you know’ and had to create a poster. Some lovely posters created and loved how some children reflected on their first attempt and asked to do it again because they knew they could make it better.
Category : Crew Shields 21/22
Cojo Challenge – Visit from our parents
An exciting start to our Wednesday morning as we welcomed some of our parents to join us. We started the morning by getting ourselves into height order including the grown ups to get our communication skills warmed up. We then completed a cojo challenge where we had to get the ball from one end of the hall to the other. Children worked collaboratively to get the ball into the bucket but what really made me smile was how they encouraged each other even when they missed the bucket. Some great crew skills being demonstrated during this activity.
Huge shout out to the parents who got full involved with the activity. Thank you for joining in and coming to visit us in our new crew.
Bullying poems
Today Crew Shields have been working on writing poems about the negatives of bullying. This is building on from the learning we started yesterday after watching a video that had themes around bullying and disabilities. We’ve discussed how we should build each other up, not tear them down.
Marvellous Maths
Great fun had by all this morning as practiced our timetables. Children were able to play board games that allowed them to use their timetable knowledge but also demonstrate their be kind howl. So lovely seeing the children working together while also supporting each other to be successful.
Transition – New Crew Shields
It has been a lovely day in Crew Shields. We have spent some time reminding ourselves of the expectations which most children had remembered from Year 3. This led us into watching a short video where we inferred it was about bullying and the importance of being inclusive. We generated a range of qualities that we look for as a crew and as a good person and then children created a jigsaw piece with their chosen quality. It was great seeing the children working collaboratively and I’m looking forward to the rest of this week.
PE days in transition week
Hi all,
Pe slots are as follows next week (week commencing Monday 11th July) due to it being transition week.
Year 1 (Current FS2) – Wednesday
Year 2 (Current Y1) – Wednesday
Year 3 (Current Y2) – Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 4 (Current Y3) – Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 5 (Current Y4) – Wednesday
Year 6 (Current Y5) – Tuesday
Thank you
Miss Marsh
Food labels – Can we identify the healthy options?
As part of our learning, we have explored the labels on food packaging. We have learned about the traffic light colouring which helps us make healthier options when buying food. We had a go at ranking the foods from most healthy to least healthy. Some children were shocked by some foods they though were okay but they are actually really high in sugar.
Massive shoutout to Millie, who has brought us in loads of food packaging (pretty much a weeks worth of packaging) and to the other children who contributed some food packets. I love how Crew Shields are always willing and eager to bring in resources from home to support the learning in class while also taking the pressure off myself to find everything. This is most definitely what crew is all about! 💖
Pancakes – the end of our cooking journey
Over this week we have cooked a starter, main and some healthy dessert options. Today, we have enjoyed some pancakes as we discussed that everything should be eaten in moderation so we’ve had pancakes with maple syrup and raspberries.
As with everything else we’ve baked this week, we’ve had a gluten free pancakes today. We actually preferred the gluten free option. It has really surprised us that in most cases we have enjoyed the gluten free version.
Cookies – Yum
Crew Shields have further developed their baking skills by baking some low calorie cookies. We also made a batch of gluten free cookies. Surprisingly, we all preferred the gluten free cookies.
Crew Shields are always happy when there is some kind of food involved in their day. 😋
Summer Fayre Today, Thursday 7th July
We can’t wait to see you all at the Summer Fayre later. Children can be picked up at 2.30pm form their classroom doors where they will be signed out.
There will be activities on the field / playground and in the school halls. .
You can enter the hall via the white doors next to Year 6 where activities will also be taking place.
Can we please ask that you fetch loose change if possible, most activities will be 50p /£1.
Activities include:
Ice cream van
Disco Bouncy Castle
Face painting
Transfer tattoos
Hook a duck
Splat the rat
Tin can alley
Balloon burst
Lemon or Lime
Chocolate tombola
Bottle stall
We will also be selling hot dogs (available at the servery)
Cartons of pop
Foundation Stage will be selling the ice cream they have produced for their final product