Crew Welburn’s Weekly Review 2.7.2021

Highlight of the week:
Our highlight of the week has been sports day this week! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏆 We all had loads of fun taking part in the activities and we loved watching the video that Mr Wilson put together of it all –

A big thank you to Miss Marsh for organising all of the events as well – we loved it!

HOWL Score: 3.6 A fantastic score today Crew Welburn!

This week’s HOWL average: 3.4 Well done Crew Welburn! I think this means we have earnt our spin on the wheel next week!

Learning legend: This week’s learning legend is Harry. Harry has worked really hard on his beautiful work this week ready for our display. He has made sure his letters are formed correctly using the handwriting rhymes, and has made his ascenders tall and his descenders now sit below the line. Well done Harry, keep it up!