Cooking continues in MI…

Well what a busy morning Crew MI have had! We have continued with our Design and Technology case study and today we have made a healthy tomato soup using a variety of ingredients. We all took an active part in peeling, chopping and preparing all the ingredients before we started to cook it. We concentrated well when following the recipe and ensured we all had an active part, voicing our views and helping others become engaged. We then looked at our pizza recipe. We used flour and natural yoghurt to make our base then added our other ingredients. We worked well in partners to make our pizzas. We really did enjoy eating them at the end! We then reflected on our learning, thinking about our guiding question, ’How does a healthy lifestyle impact your body and mind?’ We then thought about our previous learning, trying to link everything together. Some great discussions Crew MI 🙂 We are all looking forward to making our deserts tomorrow 🙂

Carcroft’s visit from gold medalist: James Dasalou

The whole school had an assembly with James this afternoon, and now each crew will participate in a physical activity with James! Such an inspiration to our young athletes in the making.

Cooking has began in Y5!

Today we thought about how we use and follow a recipe. To start with we made a fruit salad. We made sure we recapped food hygiene and cross contamination and ensured we were really thinking about food cleanliness. We discussed the recipe in mini crews then decided who would be responsible for each part of the process. We really developed our work hard howl by working well in mini crews ensuring we were actively participating and had a positive attitude to everything we did. We really did get smart aswell by supporting others to succeed by working collaboratively. We then moved onto our first starter, chicken traffic light kebabs. Some children were responsible for making the marinade, some cut the chicken and others chopped the peppers. Some children then used the ingredients to make the kebabs. We loved eating them at the end! A fantastic morning Crew MI, Crew Shields and Crew Boswell! We are all looking forward to making our second starter and main tomorrow.

Crew MI and Boswell play rounders

We had great fun playing rounders yesterday. We started with football rounders to get used to the rules and how to play then we progressed to rounders. First, we used a tennis racket to practise our hitting then some of us challenged ourselves to use the proper rounders bat. This was a fantastic crew activity where we worked together on our HOWLs, particularly our being kind one, where we were supportive and respectful to our peers.

UKS2 Thackray Museum Visit

Today has been a great day for UKS2 as we had the opportunity to explore the Thackray Museum. It was very interesting exploring life for people from 1840 and how that has changed in the present day. Some great discussions especially around how in 50 years time there will be children visiting the museum, who will learn about the covid pandemic.

As we walked round, we had a range of questions to answer in our pairs for each of the different medicine rooms that we entered. We had lots of reading to do in order to really understand how medicine has dramatically changed over the years. This meant our Work Hard and Get Smart HOWLS had to be secure so that we could be successful in our comprehension work!

Swimming kit – Year 5

On Friday (1st July), the children will need to bring shorts and t-shirt that they can get wet in the pool, in addition to their costumes. This lesson is to focus on safety and how to swim when potentially wearing clothing other than their swimming costumes.

Please remember to also have dry clothes to change into after swimming.

Thank you – Year 5 Crew

Exploring the food groups in MI

Today we continued our work on our DT case study. We thought about the different food groups and how each food group helps and supports our bodies. We thought about what makes a balanced diet, varied diet and unbalanced diet. We worked in mini crews to complete a quiz then thought about different menus and which food groups were in each. We then thought about if each menu was balanced or unbalanced. Finally, we ordered each menu from the most healthy to the least healthy giving reasons for our views. Some great discussions going on in MI today. Lots of great work linking to our work hard howl especially around active participation. We also helped each other to be successful by working collaboratively which linked nicely to our get smart. Keep it up MI!