Coronation Celebrations in LKS2!

Wow! What a FANTASTIC day we all had on Friday 5th May 2023 at Carcroft Primary School. Throughout the morning each Crew got to share their British Values Home Learning that they had done! In Crew FE we were blown away with David’s creation which was an AMAZING castle and in Crew Thompson Archie and Charlie took the limelight with their Coronation ceramic plates! Some fabulous work has taken place in lots of homes! Thank you to all of those adults at home who supported with this and to the children for bringing them in for us all to share! At lunchtime we enjoyed all sitting together and having an indoor picnic (thanks to the traditional British weather, what Bank Holiday ever passes without some rainfall!?!). In the afternoon, we then enjoyed creating crowns, flags and other Coronation memorabilia that we got to take home with us to help us to continue the celebrations over the weekend!

Coronation Celebrations in Crew Thompson!

We have really enjoyed learning all about King Charles III and what will happen during the coronation. First we completed our own flags to take to the street party picnic! We had lots of fun and even sang the national anthem. This afternoon, we made our own crowns and shared the home learning that the children had created – they did a fantastic job, we were all so proud! Have a great weekend celebrating!

Crew Pashley celebrates Earth Day!

Today in Crew Pashley we celebrated Earth Day. This morning in citizenship crew we designed our own recyclable paper bag around sustainability. This afternoon, we concluded our hook week learning by having a family learning event with various activities centred around Earth Day, including a layers of the Earth collage and a cotton bud painting of the Earth.

Reading Champions!

Another week where we have been able to celebrate lots more Reading Champions in school! It was great to see so many children stood up in Achievers Assembly this week being celebrated for their awesome reading at home. It was lovely to see the beaming smiles on children’s faces and to listen to them talk about how proud they felt. Thank you again to those adults at home who are taking the time to listen to their child/ren read very night.

This week we also celebrated the Crews who collectively read the most at home last week. Crew Marsh won it for KS1 and Crew MI for KS2.

Well done to all of our Reading Champions and their amazing adults at home!

Crew Challenge!

In Crew Pashley, this week for our Crew Challenge children were given different pictures that they then had to describe to their partner. All children enjoyed describing it to their partners and seeing what drawings they ended up creating. 

Reading Champions!

This week we had lots of children who were awarded for reading at home. It is great to see the increase in numbers and how much children are enjoying reading every night at home. BIG thank you to all of those grown ups at home who are spending the time listening to their child/ren read, the benefits are HUGE! After having a peek at some reading records this week it is also great to see the lovely comments from grown ups!

We also celebrated the Crews who have been collectively reading the most at home, Crew Godley won it for Week 2 and Week 3 in KS1 and Crew Boswell for Week 2 and Crew Shields for Week 3 in KS2.

Well done to all of our amazing readers and parents! I wonder if we might have even more Reading Champions later this week?!

Crew Fox Blog: 16.04.21

Today, we really had that Friday feeling but managed to work hard to get smart whilst being kind! Crew Fox today have pledged to try and be more positive in every situation, turning negatives around quickly to ensure that we as a crew have an amazing time whilst learning.

Crew Kent Blog 09.02.21

Today, we could’ve given anyone of our Crew Kent online Superstars the HOWL hero…

but the lucky 3 were:

Work hard: Roxanne – for a fantastic attitude to her online learning.

Get smart: Lexie – for always listening and being ready to learn.

Be kind: Deacon – for being Mr McCusker’s online Crew Deputy.

It’s been another long day but the Crew have been resilient and learned lots about the UK and the Capital Cities during the Expedition Lesson this afternoon.

Mr McCusker is really proud of you all and we’re sure Mr Kent will be proud too! 🤩