Crew Fox Blog: 16.04.21

Today, we really had that Friday feeling but managed to work hard to get smart whilst being kind! Crew Fox today have pledged to try and be more positive in every situation, turning negatives around quickly to ensure that we as a crew have an amazing time whilst learning.

Crew Fox Blog 02.11.20

Crew Fox had an exciting first day back today, Mrs Fox had a message via email from anonymous individual setting us some exciting tasks for our new expedition. We learnt about Rosa Parks and other famous historical people as well as breaking codes and debating issues.

Our HOWL’s today are…

Ryan for WORK HARD

Darcey for GET SMART

Alissa for BE KIND

CREW FOX BLOG 16.10.20

It’s Friday again and it’s been a long week.

Crew Fox have worked incredibly hard to get smart. Today we practised our I.C.T skills and took part in some P.E team games. We also looked back at our English to see where we could improve. This afternoon we learnt ‘Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley in our music lesson.

Our HOWL Heroes today are…

Courtney for Be Kind

Lewis for Get Smart

Alissa for Work Hard

Our Learning Legend we Shay

Our Crew HOWL Average was 3.0

Have a great weekend, remember to don’t worry be happy!

CREW FOX BLOG 02.10.20

Happy Friday!

It’s been a great day here in Crew Fox, we’ve learnt all about the digestive system in science and dodged a few balls in P.E. This afternoon Crew Fox made Mrs Rhodes and Mr McCusker “Happy” with their angelic voices in Music.

Our HOWLs today are…

Shay for WORK HARD

Jess for GET SMART

Sarah for BE KIND

Well done Crew Fox,enjoy your weekend!

CREW FOX BLOG 02.10.20

Today was a fabulous day in Crew Fox, our HOWL Heroes were…

Issac for GET SMART
Alicia for WORK HARD
Alexa for BE KIND

A special mention goes to Lewis who was extremely kind to his fellow crew members all day.

P.S Crew Fox really enjoyed the day, especially playing Hockey with Mr Kent and Coach!

Crew Fox Blog 28.09.20

Just another manic Monday!

Today we worked hard to get our Circulatory System lapbooks looking good, we can not wait to unveil them. This afternoon we spoke about geographical human and physical features and compared and contrasted maps from around the world, Luke surprised us with his knowledge of Carcroft.

We have aimed to increase our HOWLS this week and have an average of 2.5 already which is GREAT although we feel that we can still do better.

Our HOWL Heroes today were…

Chloe for Get Smart

Issac for Work Hard

Leah for Be Kind

Go Crew Fox 😃

Crew Fox blog 16.9.20

We are now onto our 3rd plot point in writing and Riley has set off on her journey…

Look at Caleb’s super plot point writing!

We’ve been rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 today in maths… we are also getting super speedy with our 6 times tables.

This afternoon we’ve spoken in more detail about what ‘Work Hard’ looks like across our learning day. We’re excited to begin creating our product this week to present to Miss Laing, Miss Whitehead and Mr Tucker next week in our phase assembly.