Crew Fox Blog: 16.04.21

Today, we really had that Friday feeling but managed to work hard to get smart whilst being kind! Crew Fox today have pledged to try and be more positive in every situation, turning negatives around quickly to ensure that we as a crew have an amazing time whilst learning.

Crew Kent Blog 09.02.21

Today, we could’ve given anyone of our Crew Kent online Superstars the HOWL hero…

but the lucky 3 were:

Work hard: Roxanne – for a fantastic attitude to her online learning.

Get smart: Lexie – for always listening and being ready to learn.

Be kind: Deacon – for being Mr McCusker’s online Crew Deputy.

It’s been another long day but the Crew have been resilient and learned lots about the UK and the Capital Cities during the Expedition Lesson this afternoon.

Mr McCusker is really proud of you all and we’re sure Mr Kent will be proud too! 🤩