Crew Marsh: 21/04/21

Star moment

Star moment today was seeing the children in our science experiment this afternoon, in smaller crews the children acted out the digestive system – it was messy and a lot of fun! I think everyone’s favourite part was when our digestive system was ready for pooing. 💩💩

Average is: 2.9!

Our Weekly HoWL target is: 3.0

How can we develop this tomorrow?

Crew Marsh’s target for tomorrow is making sure that we have a positive attitude towards our learning, some children in Crew Marsh can be negative to some of the lessons we have through out the day “I hate reading” “Why have we got to do handwriting”. This is something as a crew that we really want to get right.

Howl Hero:

Our Work Hard Hero today is Harlie!

Harlie was chosen by the crew today for working hard, Harlie has completed all of her learning today, making sure she is concentrated in every subject and being a great role model in Crew Marsh. Well done Harlie the crew and I are so proud of you! 😊😊