We have had a great week in nursery using our printing skills to make some poppy prints on card. We put all of our work together a created a wreath for our schools Remembrance community meeting in the hall. We were very proud to be part of the day!
We have had a great week in nursery using our printing skills to make some poppy prints on card. We put all of our work together a created a wreath for our schools Remembrance community meeting in the hall. We were very proud to be part of the day!
We had a fabulous Wednesday morning taking part in a Diwali dance workshop! We worked on moving freely and with self-expression in the hall. Building up confidence, and gaining knowledge of multicultural celebrations through different styles of dance. Developing agility, coordination, flexibility and balance.
Why don’t you try some of our favourite dance moves at home!
What a lovely day in FS1!
This week we were very excited to learn all about pumpkins! We looked closely at them and discovered they grew out of the ground, were orange, had seeds inside and smelt very strong! Some of Crew Dorman liked the smell and said “It smells like apples!” and some of us just said “Yuk!”
Outdoors, we had the opportunity to work on our fine motor skills, using hammers and pegs to pierce the thick pumpkin skins. We also worked on scooping out the gooey insides with scoops and spoons building up our hand muscles for our writing skills!
We talked about the pumpkins a lot and were heard saying words like “gooey, slimy, seeds, stinky and smooth!” We even decided to use the pumpkins in our imaginative play transporting them from the shop in our bike with a trailer and using our mud kitchen to pretend to cook pumpkin pie and soup!
On Monday morning, Crew Dorman had our very first PE session in the big hall. We were learning how to move safely in the space without bumping into anybody and how to move in imaginative ways using our whole body. We decided we would see how much fun it would be pretending to be witches and wizards. Our PE session started with a poem all about witches and wizards and finished with crew time to share our praise for imaginative moves! We can’t wait for next Monday for more exciting PE lessons!
This week we have been learning about the Great Fire of London and Firefighters in Expedition. We practised our letter formation skills in Handwriting. In Maths, we practiced counting and adding numbers to kickstart our Place Value unit.
Thursday 7th September 2023 – Stay and engage in FS1
What a fantastic day!
Crew Dorman had a wonderful time making Gruffalo crumble, bird feeders, exploring the wood at school and taking part in a nature treasure hunt! Thank you to everyone who made it a day to remember!
Thursday 7th September FS1 Stay and engage
We all had a wonderful day introducing our parents to all the different activities available at our nursery! We had the chance to make bird feeders, explore the wood and take part in a nature treasure hunt! Well done FS1!
Today we completed our art project, printing! Over the last 3 days we have carefully designed our print, crafted the template and then printed it onto card. First we had to think about the design, something to represent us and our hobbies. We then meticulously added the string to our template, making sure we followed our design and had the string in the right places. Finally, we then painted the string on the design and printed it onto card. The results are fantastic and really show how hard Crew Thompson worked and concentrated. Well done! 🎉
What a first 3 days back! This week we have been working towards answering our guiding question: What does crew mean to me? As a crew we have focussed on developing our communication skills and our ability to work as a team. We have done lots of different activities such as jigsaw puzzles, communication games and baking!
We created a crew bunting from leaves we found in the forrest. We worked together to collect lots of leaves and even managed to find some huge ones!
What a fantastic first week back in Year 3!