Using our senses – smell, touch and sight to explore pumpkins outdoors. What a lot of fun!

This week we were very excited to learn all about pumpkins! We looked closely at them and discovered they grew out of the ground, were orange, had seeds inside and smelt very strong! Some of Crew Dorman liked the smell and said “It smells like apples!” and some of us just said “Yuk!”

Outdoors, we had the opportunity to work on our fine motor skills, using hammers and pegs to pierce the thick pumpkin skins. We also worked on scooping out the gooey insides with scoops and spoons building up our hand muscles for our writing skills!

We talked about the pumpkins a lot and were heard saying words like “gooey, slimy, seeds, stinky and smooth!” We even decided to use the pumpkins in our imaginative play transporting them from the shop in our bike with a trailer and using our mud kitchen to pretend to cook pumpkin pie and soup!