Today, in Citizenship Crew, we continued our learning on ‘Aiming High’. Following our last few sessions which have focused on our achievements and goals, we looked at what it means to be “always learning” and why this is so important. We discussed the importance of having a positive learning attitude and the difference between a growth mindset (in which we have a ‘can do’ attitude) and a fixed mindset (in which we have a ‘can’t do’ attitude). We then had to practise being positive learners by taking part in two challenges. The first challenge was to draw a house shape with a cross through it. This seemed easy enough to begin with but then we were told we weren’t allowed to take our pen off our whiteboards and we weren’t allowed to go over the same line twice! This definitely tested some of our positive attitudes and a few of us felt like giving up. However, we powered through and worked out there are actually a few different ways to do this successfully. This helped us to understand that not everyone does things the same way but that this can still lead to the same, successful outcome. Our second challenge involved using tangram pieces. All we were told to do was to use the shapes to ‘make a fish’. At first, we had no idea what to do and lots of us realised we were in a fixed mindset and almost gave up. However, after a few clues, we were able to do this successfully too!