Year 5 Crew Changes

Dear Parents and Carers, 

This half-term, we have organised Year 5 into two larger crews with an additional teacher shared between both classes working with small groups and children on a 1:1 basis. This has helped Year 5 make a positive start to the new academic year and has meant we have been able to provide targeted support to really push the children’s learning on, ensuring they are fully ready to succeed in Year 5. . 

After half-term, we have made the decision to return Year 5 to three smaller crews – Crew Shields, Crew MI and Crew Boswell – for the remainder of the academic year. This model worked successfully in Year 4. 

Each crew will have their own dedicated teacher who will be able focus their teaching on a smaller class group and continue to build on the strong, positive relationships they have developed with the children this half-term. 

Crew MI and Crew Boswell will remain in their existing Year 5 classrooms and Crew Shields will move into one of our upstairs classrooms. As a result of this move, Crew Shields will enter and leave school via the entrance to the left of the main office which is currently used by Year 3 and 4 after half-term. 

Parents of children in Year 5 will receive a message today via ParentPay confirming which crew their child will be in and which of the three classrooms will be their crew base. The children have circled up to share this news and are excited to start next half-term in their new crews.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and support. As always, all decisions made are done so in the best interests of our children and to ensure we are able to provide the very best possible education for them. 

Yours faithfully,

James Tucker

Bananas for Baking!

This week in Crew Nursery we have been talking about healthy and unhealthy foods, we started the week baking some tasty treats – chocolate crispy cakes and buns with icing and sprinkles!

Today we talked about some healthy ingredients we could use to bake, the children chose to use banana and raisins, so we made banana, raisin bread!

The children worked hard to measure, mix and mash the ingredients and were so excited to see the finished result. I hope it tasted as yummy as it looked!

Crew Fox wc 27.9.21

Week 5 completed in Crew Fox ✅.

We’ve got better this week at editing our writing and checking our content with a peers support. This is taking us a bit of time to get used to but we’re getting there! We are also working hard in our pairs across the different subjects. This is getting better as we are trying to focus more and work better with one another…

During maths, we’ve used Kahoot quizzes to time ourselves when answering questions. This is going to help us improve our pace! We are also getting quicker at our magic math sessions, working on our counting, place value and other arithmetic skills!

Today was our second session of Scotty’s Heroes. We are getting fitter physically and mentally after these sessions… it’s tough but we are loving it 😅

Our HOWL average was 2.2 (beating last weeks 2.1) which means we get to spin the wheel for a reward!!

Have a great weekend everyone,

Mrs Fox 🦊

Crew Fox blog w/c 13.9.21

This week, we’ve learned all about the train experts in our history case study. Throughout expedition, we’ve used ICT and secondary resources to research into the lives and work of James Watt, Sir Nigel Gresley, George Stephenson and Richard Trevithik. Crew Fox have created informative posters to share their findings about their chosen expert!

We are beginning to grasp all the rules of direct speech… there’s a lot to remember! We have worked hard and tried our best to create sentences using speech linking to the film clip Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, ready to start our first plot point next week. Watch out for Crew Fox sentence stackers!

Next week we will be immersed into our history with an experience day linking to the Industrial Revolution… watch this space for photos and videos!

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Fox

Crew MI 10.9.21.

What a great and exciting week it has been this week.

There has been some great leaning happening in Crew MI with us starting to read our new book… Train to impossible places. The children are really enjoying this and are excited to find out what happens. We have also started to plan our Harry Potter writing in preparation for writing it next week… watch this space next week to see some great examples. In maths, we have been using the base ten to help us understand place value. We now understand numbers up to ten thousands.

The best bit of this this week was definitely the amazing trip to Harry Potter Studios where we were fully immersed in the films looking at the sets, costumes and even riding on the brooms. The children also got a lesson on how to create costumes and had a go themselves at distressing fabric. It really was a great day.

Crew Fox blog w/c 6.9.21

What a week!

We started the week off with watching Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone to hook us into our writing sessions. We are beginning our first writing unit by writing in third person to narrate parts of the film. We have used our experience days to gather some great vocabulary to use within our writing!

Wednesday was an early start for our phase, setting off to Harry Potter World Studios in London at 7:30 AM. After a 4 hour journey, we arrived at Warner Brothers Studios… we were flabberghasted at how big the studio was!

I am in the making of a video (we captured around 400 photos/videos) to show our amazing journey from the day but as you can imagine, this is taking a while. So watch out for the video in a few days time… here’s a few photos to have a look at whilst the video is being made…

This week, our HOWL average was 2.4. As a crew, we decided that our targets are all around focusing and concentrating on achieving ME across the day. We are going to work really hard to get closer to a secure 3 next week.

Happy Friday everyone, have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Fox

This week in Crew Tucker… 10/9/21

We’ve had another fantastic week in Crew Tucker with lots of great learning taking place both inside and outside the classroom.

Our highlight of the week has to be our visit to Murton Park, York where the children spent the day experiencing what life was like for a Viking. Dressed to impress, the children learnt how to be handle weapons to guard the village, made bread using Viking recipes and techniques and created pottery which we have brought back to school to display in our classroom.

If you haven’t seen it, click play on the video below to see photos and videos from our trip. If you’ve seen it already, watch it again as it really was an amazing day!

This week also saw our class celebrate our very first Learning Legend. This award went to none other than… Rome Wilson! Rome has made a brilliant start to his time in Year 3 and has demonstrated his determination to work hard to get smart in all lessons. He has created some beautiful work, particularly in Art where he has shown a real flare for the subject; his clay dragon eye is truly impressive!

Each and every member of our crew has worked incredibly hard this week. Starting Key Stage Two can be a challenge but they have risen to this and excelled our expectations. Keep up the hard work Crew Tucker.

Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you all bright and early on Monday morning.

Crew Ferguson Weekly Blog WE: 3.9.21

What a brilliant first week we have had in Crew Ferguson. The children have really settled in and have started to work on our crew beliefs of working hard to get smart whilst being kind. They have started to score their daily accomplishments and use the the daily tracker to work as a crew more effectively.

We have enjoyed playing and experiencing the new areas of the classroom and getting to play with our friends again after the long break. We have impressed Miss Ferguson and the other adults in the unit with our tidying skills and ensuring our classroom is somewhere to be proud of.

We have worked hard during crew sessions to speak in full sentences and express how we are feeling. The adults in the unit are looking forward to really delving into out expedition topic this term “How can we celebrate our similarities and differences together?” and finding out all the great things the children find important to them.

Have a lovely Sunday.

See you all tomorrow for another week of great learning!