Dear Parents and Carers,
This half-term, we have organised Year 5 into two larger crews with an additional teacher shared between both classes working with small groups and children on a 1:1 basis. This has helped Year 5 make a positive start to the new academic year and has meant we have been able to provide targeted support to really push the children’s learning on, ensuring they are fully ready to succeed in Year 5. .
After half-term, we have made the decision to return Year 5 to three smaller crews – Crew Shields, Crew MI and Crew Boswell – for the remainder of the academic year. This model worked successfully in Year 4.
Each crew will have their own dedicated teacher who will be able focus their teaching on a smaller class group and continue to build on the strong, positive relationships they have developed with the children this half-term.
Crew MI and Crew Boswell will remain in their existing Year 5 classrooms and Crew Shields will move into one of our upstairs classrooms. As a result of this move, Crew Shields will enter and leave school via the entrance to the left of the main office which is currently used by Year 3 and 4 after half-term.
Parents of children in Year 5 will receive a message today via ParentPay confirming which crew their child will be in and which of the three classrooms will be their crew base. The children have circled up to share this news and are excited to start next half-term in their new crews.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and support. As always, all decisions made are done so in the best interests of our children and to ensure we are able to provide the very best possible education for them.
Yours faithfully,
James Tucker