Crew Welburn’s Exciting Day!

We’ve been very busy today in Crew Welburn. We had a special visitor in this morning to help us with our artwork! Natasha Clarke is a local artist who was helping us to perfect our sketching and painting skills ready for our final products!

Then, this afternoon, we got to decorate our classroom ready for Christmas! 🎅🏼 It was very exciting and we loved being able to spend time building our relationships as a crew.

A Visitor in Crew Nursery!

A very special visitor has joined our crew! The children have decided to call him Stripes and he is our Kindness Elf.

Stripes will be staying with us throughout December and looking out for the children’s acts of kindness, he will keep note of these in his special book and we will share them during crew time.

Today, Stripes noticed Kai and Ralphie working really hard together to sweep up the sand, Jackson was very kind and helped Leon to zip up his coat and Layla shared the ball with Daliyah.

Well done for being kind!

We are Geographers

This week we have worked hard on our map skills using atlases. We have learnt where we live in the world, where Afghanistan is and what the countries around it are. Today we have looked at Kabul in a lot more detail to find out what it looks like there and what human and physical features there are.

Crew Godley

What a busy start to our week, celebrating everything great about maths 🧮 🧠 

We have kick-started our active maths by investigating place value and number facts to solve problems. The crew agreed on an ‘Activity Challenge’. Our favourite was how many ⭐️ jumps can you do in 1 minute ⏱ ? Jake achieved 75! We estimated, counted our actual, recorded and discussed positions 🥇. So many skills involved 🧠

This week, sees our Walkathon 🏃‍♀️ event taplace. We have our fingers crossed for good weather so that we can complete our 100 laps and have some fun in the process. Please could we ask that any sponsor money be sent to school this week.

Have a great week everyone ☺️

Celebrating Learning

It was great to walk around school today and see a celebration board outside every classroom in school. The staff and children have worked together to create a showcase of their learning so far this year. Great work Carcroft School.

Crew Flaherty

Our final week this half term has been lovely. All the children thoroughly enjoyed our experience day about Afghanistan. We wanted to allow the children to experience what a typical day could be like in Afghanistan. We researched where Afghanistan is located, the capital city and how to greet somebody in Pashto. This experience day is in preparation for us to answer the second half of our Guiding Question Coming to Doncaster: why then and why now? Children will be learning about why people why move to Doncaster and seek refuged.

Watch out for our experience day video!

We hope you have a lovely half term and we look forward to seeing all the children back at school on Monday 1st November

Miss Flaherty