Hook week in Year 1!

This week in Year 1, we’ve been hooked into our new expedition: Diverse Doncaster, Where do we belong?

We’ve had a visit from our expert, Geoff, who showed us our school and the surrounding area using his drone…

Then we discovered a time capsule full of objects and photos from the past!

And finally, we experienced what our school would have been like in Victorian times! We learnt all about the rules and what happened if children didn’t follow them. It’s safe to say that we prefer our school now, not in the past!

We can’t wait to show you what else we get up to in this expedition!

Crew Godley’s week of excitement!

What an exciting and extremely busy first week back! We have kicked our expedition off in style by working with an XP expert, Geoff. Geoff came into crew to show us how a drone worked to enable us to take aerial photographs of our school and local community 📷 🏫 We learnt so much and had an amazing time watching the drone, including a few of its party tricks!

This was followed by a discovery, a time capsule, dated back to the 1900’s (just as Mrs Godley was born supposedly 👀😊) Inside there were many artefacts which enabled us to put our historian skills to use. We discovered many things about the past and how the objects have evolved in present time.

Today, well, that was a different story completely! When we came into crew this morning we discovered that the boys and girls were not allowed to sit next to each, talk, ask a question or even put their hand up! Can you imagine! The children sported school uniform across the eras and looked fantastic. The era we travelled back today was the Victorian era and the children embraced it wonderfully even accepting the challenge of writing their names 20 times for their morning task. Mr Longley terrified us, dining he black cape and cane. His acting skills had us in the edge of seat not knowing what would come next. We’ve had a wonderful day which I’m sure the children will love telling you all about 😊 Have a fantastic weekend everyone and see you all on Monday for some more fantastic expeditionary work 🧭🗺

Hook Day 3 (21.4.22) 🍬🍭

LKS2 had a morning of designing labels for their final product. Before completing this activity, we wondered what made a good logo/design. We had some great ideas such as bright colours, it being simple and eye catching.

We then watched Austin’s butterfly, to use the language of critique to help see how we could make ours and others’ work better. The children really took to this, as they provided clear critique for their peers to improve their labels. Their instructions were clear and you can really see the improvements.

Each class will have their own design and it will be very tricky to choose a class design for the labels, which will be used as part of our final product!

Hook Week – Day 2 (20.4.22) 🍭🍬

Today, LKS2 have been fresearching the origins of sugar and how sugar usage has changed over recent years. It was interesting to see already that sugar hasn’t always had such a sweet past. We put this into a timeline. 

We saw how honey was the main source of sweetness to enjoy from 10,000BC, until about 8,000 BC when tribes in New Guinea chewed on sugar cane as sweet delight. We then saw how sugar turned to people treating others unkindly, as people became enslaved in sugar plantations.

Finally, we got an idea of how sugar is had an impact on our local area of Doncaster. This ranged from Brodsworth Hall, which was built and funded by the sugar trade right to Samual Parkinson’s creation of butterscotch. We found it interesting that sugar helped cheer up soldiers during the First World War.

Hook Week in Crew MI

Welcome back everyone! We hope you all had a lovely Easter break!

Yesterday we started our hook week with a history day! We started to think about periods of history and which significant people and groups we could remember. From here we did our own research to find specific dates and started to order these using BC and AD. We then worked as a crew to create a paper chain of periods of time throughout history. We then used the images on our anchor chart to predict what we thought the guiding question may be. We realised that one image was a plague doctor, we enjoyed discussing this. We then had a go at drawing our own plague doctors, we all worked really hard and showed some great concentration skills.

LKS2 Hook Day 1 (19.4.22) 🍭🍬

Today, LKS2 have been figuring out their guiding question for the Summer Expedition. We played a game of hangman to figure out what it was. This was great fun trying to guess what it could be and we managed to get there!

After having the Guiding Question revealed, Why is the history of sugar not so sweet?, we started our KWL by writing down what we knew about sweets and what we would like to know. It was great to hear questions like why does sugar energise us, how does sugar melt in water and who discovered sugar? LKS2 can’t wait to find these out over the next few weeks.

Finally, Year 3 and 4 then watched some videos about how sweets are made. We were mesmerised by how rock was made, as well as candy canes. We even wondered if we would be able to visit a sweet factory or make our own. Keep your eyes peeled! 👀👀

LKS2 Final Product – Coming to Doncaster; why then and why now? (16.12.21)

LKS2 are proud to reveal their final product for their Autumn Expedition, in which the children show of their beautiful work and aim to answer the Guiding Question – Coming to Doncaster; why then and why now?

We are really proud of the work and learning that has taken place by all of the children across Year 3 and 4, especially their speaking on this video.

Please also look at the website to see the range of work in the other Case Studies.

Here’s the link to our Website: https://sites.google.com/carcroftschool.co.uk/lks2-autumn21-expedition/home

Year 5 Visit to Danum Gallery – 30/11/21

We have loved our visit to Danum Gallery and getting the chance to see some steam locomotives up close.  Thankfully it was a little bit warmer than yesterday!

After what seemed like we’d been walking forever, we made it to Adwick Station in time to do a spot of train watching before our train arrived.  We saw two high-speed Azuma trains (which were made in Doncaster) shoot by and a diesel locomotive pulling containers as well as learning a little bit more about the markings on the platform, the departure board and what the signals meant.  Boarding our train was a new experience for some of us and the gap was a little intimidating.  We managed it though, and were quick to find some seats.

We snaked our way through Doncaster and enjoyed looking at all the Christmas decorations that were on show.  Walking through Sir Nigel Gresley Square, we were shocked by the colours of the council building before arriving at Danum Gallery.  Did you know there’s also a children’s library there?  We didn’t!  

After leaving our coats and bags in the Paddington Room (the first bear was made in Doncaster), we headed down to the basement for our workshop.  Underneath the impressive Green Arrow, we listened to the story of how all the train memorabilia was collected before being sent on a nameplate hunt.  There were loads!  Some were named after royals, others were animals and one was even named after Doncaster Rovers! 

Our next activity was to find some more information about the two real steam locomotives on show.  There was the Green Arrow, designed by Sir Nigel Gresley and the No. 251, which was designed by Henry Ivatt.  They were huge!

Our last activity was looking at artefacts from the early days of trains.  A quick hunt warmed us up before we had to try and guess the purpose of a selection in front of us.  

After lunch, we got to explore a bit more of the museum and we enjoyed some of the more interactive activities available as well as seeing some of the history behind Doncaster.  It’s strange to think that so much has happened in our little town.

Once we had seen everything, it was time to head back to school.  If the walk in the morning was long, this one went on forever!  After what must have been years of walking, and lots of cajoling from the adults, we did finally make it back onto the right train and back to school.  There were so many highlights that you’ll have to ask us yourself which part was our favourite but there’s one thing that we all agree on…we’ll sleep well tonight!


Crew Mcloughlins Journey into Doncaster 🚉

This morning we set off walking down to Adwick train station to get the 9:27 train into Doncaster. This was such a great experience as most of us hadn’t been on a train before. We arrived at the station and then walked through town to get to the Danum Library, museum and art gallery 🖼📚

We began our learning with a workshop which was focused all around our expedition guiding question 🚂 After lunch, we explored the museum and learnt lots about Doncaster. 

On our walk back to the train station we visited one of last years final product When is it right to make a stand for what we believe in? Which is displayed in Frenchgate 🖼 This made us beam with pride especially when people were admiring it.