Painting has been a firm favourite in Crew MW this week!

After all that painting we definitely deserved a treat… doughnuts! Thank you for bringing the doughnuts in Oliver, we hope you enjoyed your birthday!

Painting has been a firm favourite in Crew MW this week!
After all that painting we definitely deserved a treat… doughnuts! Thank you for bringing the doughnuts in Oliver, we hope you enjoyed your birthday!
We have been enjoying the sunshine (when it appears!) in EYFS recently.
On Friday, Crew MW went on a little walk around school distributing our final product bin stickers. The stickers will be stuck on the bins throughout school and as the children move through school they will always be able to see their work from this expedition. Whilst we walked round, we also spotted another final product displayed on the wall near the dinner hall – we loved the illustrations of the bees!
Pink team had an amazing sports day on Thursday, despite the incredibly windy conditions! A fantastic team with lots of teamwork and support on display – well done Team Pink!
Yesterday, we put our pirate hats back on to explore the next part of our story – Pirates Love Underpants! We used our climbing, crawling and swinging skills to explore the island before crossing a bridge that was really high up with snappy crocodiles underneath! We were very brave! Afterwards, we talked about how we had moved across the bridge using our action lens and verbs, ready to write the next part of our story.
This week, Crew MW have been exploring their number bonds to 10 and writing these as addition sentences. We used the cubes to find the two parts, and then put them together to make the whole number of 10. We worked really hard to get smart in this lesson!
Well done to Crew Blue for working collaboratively to gain as many points as possible to win sports day! We worked well as a crew and everyone tried their best, it was a pleasure to see the children have so much fun! Well done everyone!
This week, Crew MW got to take part in lots of glow in the dark games as part of sports week with Coach Nathan! We had lots of fun and showed off how skilled we are!
A huge thank you to the grown ups who joined us for our EYFS Celebration of Learning. We loved creating collages of pirate hats and mermaid tails with you, and we were really proud to give out our final products – bin stickers to encourage recycling within our local community.
What a fantastic way to kick start our sport week with a GB Freestyler Kayaker! Becky Green inspired children this morning with her passion for kayaking, at such a young age she has achieved so much! Our children practised some key skills and exercises to get their bodies moving.