The children in FS2 today have been discussing their expedition theme and exploring celebrations a little more. We have tried popcorn and discussed if we should serve this at our own celebration party later in the term. Everyone had a taste by measuring out amounts using cups and beakers. The children were very careful to ensure everyone had an equal share.
The children have loved exploring the Forest area with Miss Haddock and Miss Ferguson this morning.
They worked in pairs to explore the area and find mini beasts. They took care to pick the insects up with tweezers and put them in a magnifying tub to look more carefully at their features.
We carefully put them back afterwards into their homes so they were safe.
This week the children have really tired hard to get smart with their phonics learning. They have been looking closely at segmenting and blending words using magnet boards and using their Fred talk to write initial sounds on their party invitations.
They have then taken this knowledge into their provision learning by painting their new sounds on the playground.
Using our magnetic boards! Working with a partner and being kind. Using chunky chalk on the playground to write our new sounds.
We have worked hard in crew sessions to learn all about our feelings and how each one is different. We learnt It is ok to feel different ways, its how we act during those different emotions that keep our HOWL scores at 3 and 4.
The children have worked hard this week. Well done crew Ferguson x