This half term we have explored the autumn leaves and trees through sensory, painting and learning. Lots of different colours and textures. The children have colour matched, picked their own leaves and made beautiful art work.

This half term we have explored the autumn leaves and trees through sensory, painting and learning. Lots of different colours and textures. The children have colour matched, picked their own leaves and made beautiful art work.
This week was all about getting to know our new Crew members and staff.
Learning new routines together and exploring our new setting.
Revisiting shapes in maths and having fun outside.
We have started our Spring expedition here in nursery. It is called “Once Upon a Time” and our guiding question is “Who is hiding in the pages of this book?” During hook week we have read the story ‘The Great Nursery Rhyme Disaster’ and explored the different nursery rhymes in the book. We made a list of nursery rhymes we liked, sung nursery rhymes in class and acted out nursery rhymes in our nursery puppet theatre. Our parents came in to share a story or rhyme with us this Friday and we have had lots of fun making ‘Rhyming stones’ for our outdoor area. Phew! We have even met lots of new friends that started nursery this week and have helped them to settle in.
Well done FS1!
Here they are! Our Christmas cards! I think you will agree that all of our drafts and re-drafts, practising our printing and colour mixing really did pay off! We all worked so hard getting these cards ready for Christmas and Mrs Dorman, Mrs Mason and our parents are really proud of us!
Happy Christmas!
For the last two weeks we have been very busy starting our Christmas art work. We looked at lots of different card designs with prints on and decided we would like to try finger printing our own cards for Christmas. We tested out our prints last week and practiced printing along the line in groups using different coloured printing pads. This week we explored colour mixing using red, blue and yellow to make orange, green and purple. Next week, we are going to further improve our work, as we thought we would like to use the colours we had mixed for our final print! We will have three re-drafts when we are finished! Phew! Watch this space our Christmas cards are going to be fantastic!
Crew Dorman had our Celebration of Learning this morning!
It all started in September, with the Expedition – ‘Exploring our World’ our guiding question was ‘What do stories tell us about Autumn?’
All term we have been exploring our nursery indoors and out, reading stories and getting used to all of our play areas and daily routines.
In Case study 1 our focus story was ‘Owl babies’ and we learnt about our family and other families like ours.
In Case study 2 we looked at non fiction books on ‘Diwali’ and ‘Bonfire night’ and learnt the rhyme ‘5 Little firemen’ with actions!
Finally, in Case study 3 our focus story was ‘Percy the Park Keeper – After the Storm’. We used what we had found out about our environment and forests in our stories, to look closely at the animals and plants in Percy’s park. We were incredibly creative throughout all of our expedition. We made lots of artwork, building up our art skills and confidence, to be creative with lots of different materials inside and outside!
During our celebration of learning, we showcased our ownership of our learning environment, by showing our parents where we like to play. We showed off our crafting and printing skills making ‘Clay hedgehogs, ‘Leaf man’ pictures and Autumnal handprints! We also talked about our favourite stories R said to Mrs Dorman “I like the Leaf man story!” and N said “I like the Percy book!”
Thank you to everyone who has made our expedition so magical and a big thank you to everyone today for celebrating all of our wonderful learning! What a fantastic day! Well done Crew Dorman!
Why don’t you practice the rhyme ‘5 Little leaves’ at home or take a look at one of our favourite stories ‘Leaf Man’.
Crew Dorman had a lovely time decorating the classroom for Christmas this morning! We loved choosing which baubles we wanted to put on the Christmas tree. We worked as a crew to take it in turns to put on the baubles and listened to Christmas music whilst we decorated together! We think our classroom and our tree looks amazing! 🎄
Over the last two weeks we have been busy making lots of animals that we discovered lived in ‘Percy’s Park’ and the woodlands near us! We have used our cutting and sticking skills to explore feathers and leaves and I am sure you will agree our animal creations are super!
While we made the animals we discussed what we could find in a wood like Percy’s!
C said – “Owls live in a tree!”
A said – “Leaves and birds!”
R said – “A fox and rabbits”
N said – “Leaves sticks and rabbits”
We also discovered that lots of the animals in Percy’s park are nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day and only come out to eat and play at night! What an exciting expedition! We hope you can join us for our celebration of learning next week on Thursday!
This week we have been learning all about road safety at nursery. We talked about why it’s important to hold hands when walking along a busy street and why it’s important to look and listen when there is busy traffic. We played the game ‘stop and go’ in the big hall and outdoors. We even practised walking in a long line and holding hands outdoors! Crew Dorman are super safe!
We know to – ‘Stop, look and listen!’
We know to hold hands with a grown up near a busy road!
We know ‘red’ for STOP! and ‘green’ for GO!
Zebra crossings
Have black and white stripes like a zebra and are marked with flashing amber lights on top of stripy poles called ‘Belisha beacons’. At a zebra crossing you muststop, look, listen and wait for cars travelling in both directions to stop before you start crossing the road.
Pelican crossings
Have traffic lights and a button to press. The ‘red person signal’ means it is not safe to cross and children must stop and wait.
The ‘green person signal’ means it is safe to cross but you must check first that the traffic has stopped. Some crossings make a ‘beeping’ sound to tell people who can’t see when it is safe to cross.
Whatever type of crossing you use, you must always hold a grown up’s hand while crossing, and keep looking and listening for traffic!
This week ‘Percy the Park Keeper’ visited nursery and we have been helping him with all his busy jobs. We have helped him sort the compare bears by matching colours. We have hung his socks to dry in matching pairs looking carefully at the patterns! Answering the question – Are the socks the same or different? We sorted Percy’s toys and animals by checking if they were big or small and putting them into two groups. We even explored shape and space making tracks for Percy’s trains and shelters for the animals!
Phew….What a busy week!
This week we also started exploring colour in maths and looked closely at the colour red!
Next weeks colour will be blue! I wonder what we will find out?
This week we have been learning all about being kind and sharing in Crew Dorman. We practised our sharing skills playing a game called ‘pass the ball’ and we worked as a team on building a tower! Taking it in turns to place each brick on top of the other. We wondered?…..Could we work as a team and place each block carefully? We tried our best, took turns and at the end had a nice high tower. Even though the tower fell a few times we kept going practising our team work and resilience! Mrs Dorman and Mrs Mason praised our teamwork!