Crew Dorman had our Celebration of Learning this morning!
It all started in September, with the Expedition – ‘Exploring our World’ our guiding question was ‘What do stories tell us about Autumn?’
All term we have been exploring our nursery indoors and out, reading stories and getting used to all of our play areas and daily routines.
In Case study 1 our focus story was ‘Owl babies’ and we learnt about our family and other families like ours.
In Case study 2 we looked at non fiction books on ‘Diwali’ and ‘Bonfire night’ and learnt the rhyme ‘5 Little firemen’ with actions!
Finally, in Case study 3 our focus story was ‘Percy the Park Keeper – After the Storm’. We used what we had found out about our environment and forests in our stories, to look closely at the animals and plants in Percy’s park. We were incredibly creative throughout all of our expedition. We made lots of artwork, building up our art skills and confidence, to be creative with lots of different materials inside and outside!
During our celebration of learning, we showcased our ownership of our learning environment, by showing our parents where we like to play. We showed off our crafting and printing skills making ‘Clay hedgehogs, ‘Leaf man’ pictures and Autumnal handprints! We also talked about our favourite stories R said to Mrs Dorman “I like the Leaf man story!” and N said “I like the Percy book!”
Thank you to everyone who has made our expedition so magical and a big thank you to everyone today for celebrating all of our wonderful learning! What a fantastic day! Well done Crew Dorman!

Why don’t you practice the rhyme ‘5 Little leaves’ at home or take a look at one of our favourite stories ‘Leaf Man’.