To continue our crew building this week, Crew McGlone have worked really hard as a crew to create a piece of artwork. We discussed how it would take 1 person a really long time to decorate the large piece of paper on their own, but if we all helped as a crew to do a little section each then it would be done much quicker. We split the paper into sections and got to work! If a section was finished, we offered to help other members of our crew with their section – continuing to work as a unit to finish our final piece. We really like our finished piece and praise how section comes together to create a lovely pattern.
Christmas cards
We had so much fun creating our Christmas cards for our grown ups!
Children in Need 2024
We’ve had lots of fun celebrating Children in Need 2024 in Crew McGlone.
Remembrance Day 2024
Crew McGlone have spent time over the last week discussing why it is important for us to think about those people who helped and continue to help to keep our country safe, and thank them for everything they do. We created fork paintings of poppies that Miss McGlone put together into a wreath for our whole school Remembrance Day display.
We then also made our own poppies using apples and carrots to print with inside a laminating pouch. Once they were dry, they were put through the laminator and we have put them on our classroom windows.
Firework printing!
To celebrate Bonfire Night, Crew McGlone created firework pictures. We used cardboard tubes to print glitter paint onto black paper to look like fireworks exploding in the night sky. They looked really effective!
Outside Learning.
Using chalk paint on different surfaces and making music.
Diwali Dance!
This morning, Crew F2 took part in a Diwali dance workshop with Miss Shelly! We’ve been learning all about Diwali in expedition this week and we have looked at the lights, lanterns and fireworks using videos to explore. Today, we experienced what Diwali dancing was like, and we loved it! It was so much fun!
Exploring textures
Yesterday in Crew F2, we made oobleck! We mixed cornflower and water to explore the different textures we could feel when we put our hands into the tuff tray. We said that the mixture felt soft, gloopy and slimy. We had lots of fun exploring.
Creating artists in Crew McGlone
We have been really interested by the creative area when accessing provision. There have been lots of beautiful pieces of artwork created by our budding artists in Crew McGlone! We have looked at the equipment needed to create a painting and have practise putting it to good use to create our masterpieces.
Life skills.
This week in crew Tymon we have been exploring life skills within an indoor and outdoor environments.