LKS2: Visit and new Expedition

This half term the children will be starting their new expedition – What a wonderful world – Why should we protect our beautiful planet?

As part of this expedition the children will be completing three case studies:

  • Case Study 1: Geography
  • Case Study 2: Science
  • Case Study 3 : Music

Next week the children will be visiting Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Please could we ask that all consents have been completed and lunches ordered. Please contact the office team if you have any queries. This can be found on parentpay.

Throughout the expedition, you can visit the expedition website to see what the children have been learning about and seeing pictures and examples of the completed work.

KS1 New Expedition

This half term the children will be starting their new expedition – Circle of Life: How will what I do today affect the world tomorrow?

As part of this expedition the children will be completing three case studies:

  • Case Study 1: Science – Animals and their lifecycles
  • Case Study 2: Geography – Weather, seasons, seas and continents
  • Case Study 3 : Art – Recycled sculpture.

Next week the children will be visiting The Deep. Please could we ask that all consents have been completed and lunches ordered. Please contact the office team if you have any queries.

As always, we would love to hear from any local experts. We would really like to hear from anybody who has knowledge of birds, as part of the Big School’s Birdwatch, animals or any geographers.

Throughout the expedition, you can visit the expedition website to see what the children have been learning about and seeing pictures and examples of the completed work.

If your child is isolating, this week’s work can be found by clicking this link. There are some hook activities to complete along with the children in school.

Crew Mcloughlin Scientists

As part of our expeditionary learning this week, we learnt about dissolving and the science behind it ⚗️👨🏻‍🔬👩🏻‍🔬We learnt lots of scientific keywords 🧠 If a soluble solute (like coffee) is added to a solvent (like H2o) it will dissolve and create a solution, however if a solute is insoluble, like sand, it will create a mixture. We even went further to experiment different conditions with the rate a solute would dissolve at. We found hot water and movement was the best condition to dissolve the coffee the fastest. Crew Mcloughlins classroom certainly smelled lovely after this experiment ☕️

Crew MI 5.11.21

We’ve had a great first week with our crew with lots of hard work to get smart and being kind. We have written our Harry Potter independent writes which we have tried really hard to include all the features we have been working on. We have also started our new case study in expedition… SCIENCE and we have had great fun doing some experiments. We have learnt about condensation and evaporation and how we can change states. We also tested to see what solids would dissolve in liquid.

We also had our first lesson from Scotty’s Heroes where we went into the forest school area and built dens. This was great fun and we can’t wait for our next session.

Our PE days have changed starting from next week and they will now be on a MONDAY and FRIDAY so please ensure children have their kits tomorrow. Also, those children who have been attending Young Voices rehearsals on a Friday, please can you check your emails (dated 8th October) and log on to parent pay to give consent to attend the concert please. All the information is on there but if you do have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask the office or Mrs Ibbotson.

Our target next week is to work on our active listening skills during lessons. Hope you have all had a good weekend. We look forward to seeing you at parents evening this week.

Crew Shields – 6/11/21

It was so lovely welcoming the children back to our new classroom. We have spent the week settling into our new classroom and ack into our routines and structures. I know I miss the routines during the holidays.

We started our next case study for our expedition and have enjoyed the opportunity of completing some science experiments. The children have learned the process of evaporation and condensation before exploring soluble and insoluble materials.

In writing, we have started our non chronological report which will be used for our final product. Despite the children finding this type of writing a bit tricky, they didn’t let this stop them. Their resilience was great and they worked hard.

We ended the week with our first Scotty’s Heroes session. The children had the opportunity to build A frame or lean to shelters. It was great seeing them work collaboratively and solve problems with their shelter.
Overall, a great first week back.
Hope everyone has had a safe Bonfire night.