Sports day feedback

Thank you again to all parents and carers, who attended sports day today. It was great to be able to have you all back attending, unlike the last two years. Images and videos from the day will be uploaded shortly… so watch this space.

Below is the link to any feedback you would like to give from todays event.

Thank you in advance, Miss Marsh

James Dasaolu Visit (4.7.22) 🏃🇬🇧

Carcroft was lucky to have a visit from the second fastest man in Britain – James Dasaolu. We were lucky to hear about the journey James took to reach the top of his sport and even compete at two Olympic Games.

James was very inspiring as he spoke about his lows and how it motivated him to reach the highs, which led to him setting the second fastest time in British history for the 100m. He ran a staggering 9.91 seconds, which was the equivalent of 25mph.

The children listened amazingly well and were hanging on James’ every word. They loved asking a variety of questions and some were unique, which James had never been asked before. After the the questions, each year group was lucky to have a circuit training session with James. He definitely put Years 1 to 6 through their paces.

We will be handing out the gold, silver and bronze awards when we receive them in due course. This should be soon.

Check out our video below of our awesome visitor:

Carcroft’s visit from gold medalist: James Dasalou

The whole school had an assembly with James this afternoon, and now each crew will participate in a physical activity with James! Such an inspiration to our young athletes in the making.

Sponsor form update 🏃🏼💰

I have just finished counting sponsorship form money, thank you to the 13 sponsor forms we have had handed in. We are very close to our target, however we now need the last push to reach it! Any amount you can sponsor would be greatly appreciated and please drop off in the office.

Last sponsorship forms will be accepted on Friday morning, ready for the event on Monday afternoon next week.

Thank you!

Sponsor form money

Just a reminder that sponsor form money is due in tomorrow (Tuesday 27th June), however if forgotten we can collect it up until Thursday 29th June, so it gives enough time to be counted and organised.

Please leave it at the office or send it in with your child.

Thank you

Miss Marsh

KS1 Rounders Tournament

Today, some of our Year 1 and Year 2 children have took part in a rounders tournament at Campsmount School. The children showed how well Carcroft School work as a team, and were cheering each other on throughout the afternoon. Their crew building and communication skills really shone through today and made myself and Mrs Scott feel really proud of them! 😁 We can’t wait to try again next year after a little bit more practice as we think the team will be amazing! 🌟

Rounders Tournament (15.6.22) ⚾️

Today, LKS2 were representing Carcroft at a tournament held at Campsmount Secondary School. Despite it being the hottest day of the year so far, the competitors gave it their best shot and had a fantastic time. They loved being able to support each others’ successes, whilst enjoying a game in the sun. Although it was hot, the children still managed to bat with great effort and field with enthusiasm.

There were very few breaks, apart from eating an ice lolly, which went down a treat and cooled us right down. One of our teams from Carcroft managed to achieve a fantastic 3rd place for the tournament, which has been celebrated by all who attended and I am sure will be celebrated across the rest of the school. Finally, I just want to say how well the children not only represented Carcroft as a school, but how they represented themselves. They did us proud today!

A special shout out goes to Lydia S and Charlie E for their efforts and leadership during the 5 games that we played!

Here is a peak at what happened at the tournament today: