Once we were secure in our knowledge of regular verbs and regular verb phrases, we moved on to looking at irregular verbs. These are verbs in which the root word changes when you turn them into past tense. For example, run -> ran. We activated our learning by playing a game of stand up, sit down. We were shown a number of verbs and had to stand up if we believed they were an irregular verb or stay sat down if we believed they were a regular verb. Following this, we looked at a selection of verbs and had to identify the odd one out. We worked in mini crews and were able to identify that 3 out of 4 of our verbs were regular and the odd one out was an irregular verb. We then had a go at turning irregular verbs into past tense – fly -> flew, throw -> threw etc. We ended the lesson by completing an exit ticket to consolidate our learning, showing that we could write irregular verbs in past, present and future tense.