We have loved our visit from Y5 children today to read us our stories!

We have loved our visit from Y5 children today to read us our stories!
After reading our story ‘Zombies don’t eat veggies’, in writing today a few of us in Crew Marsh spoke about what type of foods would be changed to fit the cuisine of a Zombie. We got so engrossed and came up with lots of great ideas including brain pizza, knees on toast and gut bolognaise! We then put all of our ideas on a slide and presented these ideas in our small group. We are working on orally recalling sentences and the children showcased this amazingly today, by linking their ideas to the story and using the characters names. What a gruesome experience!
How many pieces of paper can you hold with 2 body parts? Our top score was 6!
Today we really practised our handwriting and I am so proud of all of the children with their letter formation and sentences!
Today in KS1 we hooked into our learning by looking at what a plant is. To be able to do this over the next few weeks we have planted our own pea plant to watch them grow.
In our experience lesson we ordered the steps on how to make a pizza and shared the steps in full sentences to the rest of the class.
Today we took ourselves out of our comfort zone and tried some new fruits including pineapple, avocado and passion fruit.
Today we were lucky enough to be visited by cook stars. The children all took it in turns to make a portion of dirty fries. They all chopped, peeled and grated their own fresh ingredient and assembled their meal.