LKS2 Recount Writing

This week, Y3/4 have been writing recounts based on the Disney short animation ’Lava’. All the children have worked super hard to write their recounts, including using amazing adjectives, onomatopoeia and time adverbials. It has been lovely to see how creative our children have been with their writing and how supportive they have been with each other to create lovely recounts.


The children in Crew FE used modelling clay to create the composition of the Earth. As a crew we discussed the layers of the Earth and how they are different. Some children even asked questions to further their own knowledge which was wonderful, such as: Is the Earth’s core hotter than the sun?

FE Crew Challenge

The children in Crew FE thoroughly enjoyed their Crew challenge this week. It was lovely to see them communicating effectively to try and draw the same picture. The children were able to discuss which parts of the task were simple and which they found difficult. Well done everyone!

LKS2 Summer Hook Week

To kick start off our new expedition learning-Earth Shattering Events- Crew Pashley, Crew Thompson and Crew FE participated in various activities throughout hook week. We sketched snapshots of life in Pompeii, to create whole crew storyboards demonstrating what it was like when Mount Vesuvius erupted.

All the crews participated in a carousel of activities and experiments to begin our learning on natural disasters. We made coke and mentos volcanoes, experienced what a cold flood would feel like, and experienced what an earthquake would feel like.

LKS2 Earth Day 2023 Celebrations!

Dear Parents/Carers, 

On Saturday 22nd April 2023 it is Earth Day! Due to us not being in school on that day we will be celebrating the event on Friday 21st April 2023

Earth Day is an annual event that is focused on supporting environmental protection. The theme for this year is ‘Invest In Our Planet’. As part of our Year 3/4 Expedition for the Summer Term, ‘Earth Shattering Events’, ‘What happens when nature strikes?’, we will be thinking about how amazing and beautiful our planet is! 

During our Expedition lessons on this day each crew in Year 3/4 will participate in a range of engaging activities, including Earth Day crafts such as making a paper plate earth, creating a collage of the structure of the Earth, making an Earth Day crown and much more! We hope that these will support and engage children in our learning around the planet Earth, as well as allow children to recap their previous knowledge from this current half term where they have been looking at sustainability. 

Each Crew Leader will create a blog at the end of the day so that you can all see the exciting things that your child/ren have been getting up to throughout the day! 

We are also inviting you (parents/grandparents/carers/guardians) into classrooms on this day, Friday 21st April 2023 to come and participate in some of these exciting activities with your child/ren! This will take place from 1:30pm until the end of the school day. 

Also as part of this exciting day we are asking for the children (and staff!) in Year 3/4 to come to school dressed in Earth Day colours, examples such as, brown for soil, yellow for the sun, red for the sunset/core of the Earth, green for grass. The Earth is full of many colours so any colour/s will do! 

Either at the end of this day or in preparation for the day it would be lovely for you to discuss with your child/ren different ways that we can look after our planet such as, picking up litter, planting trees and flowers, recycling etc. 

We look forward to seeing your child/ren dressed in a variety of colours for this special celebration! 

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. 

Mrs Elmer 

Year 3/4 Phase Lead

Crew Challenge

Stepping Stones

This week, the children worked in mini crews to complete their crew challenge. They had to go from one side of the playground to the other using their ’stepping stones’. The children communicated exceptionally well to work together to complete the challenge. Some children took on the role of a leader in their mini crews, providing clear guidance for their friends and supporting each other when they found it difficult.

Well done everyone, you did a great job!

Easter Egg Competition

Well done to everyone in our crew who took part in our Easter egg competition. Our crew thoroughly enjoyed voting for their winners, it certainly was a close call. Everyone had such wonderful and kind comments to share.

Well done to Billy and Lilia for their fantastic creations and our winners for today’s competition.