
In expedition today, we looked at how we use switches every day and the different types of switches. The different types of switches we found out about are push button switch, slide switch, toggle switch, key switches and pull cord switches. We found out that switches open or close a circuit and therefore impacts the flow of electricity. When on, a switch will create a complete circuit. When a switch is off, it ‘breaks’ the circuit and the circuit will no longer work as the flow of electricity has been stopped. We then built our own switches following instructions and then placed it within a electrical circuit to see if it worked.


We began our second case study (Art) by evaluating and analysing works of art by various artists including some works by Jonathan Yeo. We discussed as a class What we liked about certain portraits and why. During a gallery walk, we then delved deeper into the choices the artist made e.g. the medium the artist used to create the portrait and why as well as questioning the colour choices and the impact these have on the overall composition. Next, we began to think about why these people were chosen to have their portraits made and, if we were to make our own, who would we choose?

To finish, we researched the artist Jonathan Yeo.

Together We Grow.

This week in reading, we have been looking at the poem titled “Together We Grow.”

Today, the children performed the poem. Some children recited their verse’s with quiet contemplation, while others brought their lines to life with bold gestures.

Together, they created a beautiful mosaic of voices that truly captured the essence of the poem.

We are Authors

During our recent writing lessons, we have been writing a diary from the perspective of a 10 year old girl in the 1960s and her dads making her attend MLKs speech. The children have loved writing a diary and are now writing their own at home, which is lovely to see.