LKS2 Final Product – Coming to Doncaster; why then and why now? (16.12.21)

LKS2 are proud to reveal their final product for their Autumn Expedition, in which the children show of their beautiful work and aim to answer the Guiding Question – Coming to Doncaster; why then and why now?

We are really proud of the work and learning that has taken place by all of the children across Year 3 and 4, especially their speaking on this video.

Please also look at the website to see the range of work in the other Case Studies.

Here’s the link to our Website:

AR quiz


Dear Parents and Carers,

As you are already aware, we are currently experiencing rapidly rising cases of Covid19 within our Year 5 cohort. You have already been asked to ensure that all children in Year 5 complete a PCR test and that you provide proof of your results to us to share with Public Health Doncaster.

Based on the number of results returning as positive for Covid19, Public Health Doncaster have advised that we close Year 5 one week early. The aim of this is to limit the spread of Covid19 across our school and wider community so that peoples’ Christmas plans are not impacted by the need to isolate on Christmas Day.

To confirm, Year 5 will not return to school next week and will complete learning from home next week.

Staff in school will be spending this afternoon and Monday morning preparing learning activities which will be shared on Google Classroom for those who have devices and delivered to home addresses for those who do not have a device or access to the internet. These activities will be based on what they would have been completing in school and consolidation tasks based on their learning this term.

For those families who are eligible for free school meals, school will be in touch to organise a lunch each day for those not in school. This will likely be in the form of the online vouchers that parents received during the half-term and summer holidays.

Thank you in advance for your continued support and understanding.

Stay safe everyone.

Yours faithfully,

James Tucker

Acting Headteacher


Donation Drive-Postponed

Unfortunately due to the recent changes issued by the Government we are postponing this until after the new year.

We will update you with a new date as soon as we can.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause but we are following guidelines in order to try and keep everyone safe.

Creative Crew!

Today in Crew Nursery we have been working hard using different materials to make bear pictures!

We used different shapes to make bear faces.
We used chalks to draw bears and make marks.

Today Stripes the Elf noticed Jenson playing kindly alongside friends in the sand and Lincoln building a train track for his friend when they were upset.

It’s Time for Tea!

Today in Crew Nursery the children brewed peppermint tea in the water tray. They enjoyed exploring how the tea bags changed the colour of the water and thought it smelled lovely!
The children used peppermint teabags to brew tea in the teapot, then poured their tea into mugs and gave it a stir. Some children extended the activity by using funnels and jugs to pour their tea.

Today Stripes the Elf noticed Georgie sharing out the fruit with her friends and Ruby Mae and Alexus working hard to draw their beautiful bear pictures.

Crew Welburn’s Exciting Day!

We’ve been very busy today in Crew Welburn. We had a special visitor in this morning to help us with our artwork! Natasha Clarke is a local artist who was helping us to perfect our sketching and painting skills ready for our final products!

Then, this afternoon, we got to decorate our classroom ready for Christmas! 🎅🏼 It was very exciting and we loved being able to spend time building our relationships as a crew.

A Visitor in Crew Nursery!

A very special visitor has joined our crew! The children have decided to call him Stripes and he is our Kindness Elf.

Stripes will be staying with us throughout December and looking out for the children’s acts of kindness, he will keep note of these in his special book and we will share them during crew time.

Today, Stripes noticed Kai and Ralphie working really hard together to sweep up the sand, Jackson was very kind and helped Leon to zip up his coat and Layla shared the ball with Daliyah.

Well done for being kind!