The Blitz in MI

Today we continued our expeditionary learning and started to find out about the Blitz and the impact it had. We looked at the areas affected by the Blitz and how British civilians responded. One of the activities allowed us to explore different pictures thinking about what we could see, what we thought was happening and what we wondered about the pictures. We showed some great collaborative working during this activity and all shared our ideas during our whip around.

Book Talk in Crew Hamill

We created illustrations to go alongside our text- The Contraption. We thought really hard about the description and tried to add all these details. We really enjoyed creating these. We led our own learning by thinking about what we could use to create the shapes. Jake used the bottom of a glue stick for the cogs which Mrs Atherton thought was great!

Postcards Home..

Crew Haigh spent some time reflecting on their visit to the seaside last term, working on our motor and writing skills we made and sent postcards home to mums and dads.. We hope you enjoyed receiving them!

Crew Marsh has talent!

In today’s experience lesson we practised our different talents ready for our Crew Marsh talent show. We discussed how a good audience should sit with good sitting, listening ears and magnet eyes on the stage. We started our talent show with Noah introducing the show, then we had a group of animals telling us funny jokes. We then watched a dance. After that, we had hula hoopers and bean bag skills. Finally, Noah closed the talent show thanking everyone for coming. I was very impressed with all the talent we saw!