This week, Crew MW have been exploring their number bonds to 10 and writing these as addition sentences. We used the cubes to find the two parts, and then put them together to make the whole number of 10. We worked really hard to get smart in this lesson!
Postcards Home..
Crew Haigh spent some time reflecting on their visit to the seaside last term, working on our motor and writing skills we made and sent postcards home to mums and dads.. We hope you enjoyed receiving them!
The final talent show act…
Once the talent show had ended, Noah announced that there was one more act. All of the animals gathered around and stared at the cocoons, they started to wiggle and hatch. Two beautiful, rainbow butterflies – we created our own butterflies!
Crew Marsh has talent!
In today’s experience lesson we practised our different talents ready for our Crew Marsh talent show. We discussed how a good audience should sit with good sitting, listening ears and magnet eyes on the stage. We started our talent show with Noah introducing the show, then we had a group of animals telling us funny jokes. We then watched a dance. After that, we had hula hoopers and bean bag skills. Finally, Noah closed the talent show thanking everyone for coming. I was very impressed with all the talent we saw!
Bored on the ark
Once Noah had got all of the animals on the ark they all sat bored and did not know what to do, they did not have anywhere to run or play. Some of them were laid down and others were sat sulking.
Story Sharing
Crew Haigh love to exploring their stories together with props and visuals.
Glow in the dark dodgeball
Crew Marsh loved their treat of glow in the dark dodgeball today!!
Big and small maths this week
Crew Haigh have been learning key words big and small in maths – we have used a range of resources to explore our learning objective.
The animals went in 2 by 2…
After being Noah last week and making the ark for the animals, our next bit of writing was Noah getting all of the animals onto the ark to stay out of the rain. Noah rang his bell loudly and shouted for all of the animals to come onto his ark, they went on in 2 by 2. We were fab at acting out the animals and their different movements!
Building an Ark
Today in our experience lesson we have started to read our new book – All afloat on Noah’s boat. The book starts with Noah building an ark, therefore we all built an ark in our groups just like him. We felt hot, bothered, tired and sweaty.