What do the miracles of Jesus teach us about what is important to Christians?

Magic vs Miracles

We began our lesson today by making objects disappear, it was very exciting! this led us perfectly into our next guiding question exploring the miracles Jesus performed. We discovered that a miracle is an event that goes against nature, cannot be explained and Christians believe they are caused by God. to help us understand this we listened to a story in the Bible, Jesus feeding 5000 people with five loaves and two fish.

We then created our own fish and imagined trying to feed 5000 people with it. It seemed impossible!

Why is Jesus important to Christians?

Today we explored who Jesus was and why he is a significant person in the Christian faith.

We discovered that Jesus taught Christains that we should show kindness and love to all people, just like our ‘Be Kind’ HoWL, regardless of where they come from or the situation in which they might find themselves. We thought about how we can show kindness and used our conversation protocols to have some lovely discussions on how we should treat our friends and neighbours.

Oliver said ‘It does not matter what we look like, we are all the same.’ Koa explained that he helps his neighbour by looking after pets when they are not home. Leyland also said that he shows kindness by helping his neighbours by getting shopping for them when they are too poorly to go out.

RE in Crew MI

In RE, we looked at what generosity and greed look like today. We watched a video which told the story of the widow’s offering where a widow gave all that she had to the church. We discussed this act of generosity and thought of other ways we could show generosity and kindness.

What do Christians believe about God?

Today in KS1, we continued exploring what Christians believe about God. We played a game of ‘I spy’ to deepen our understanding about the christian faith and how this is represented in different artefacts. This led to some brilliant discussions around the Christian faith and why crosses, bibles and angels are important. Leyland was able to tell us that the bible is a book of stories which helps us understand the acts of Jesus and God.

Religious Education

Today, we were learning the basic beliefs of three main religions: Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. We researched the main beliefs of each religion and then had our memories tested by having to match the key beliefs to the correct religion. Once we’d matched them, we used them to create an informative poster. We did really well gathering facts on our whiteboards to help us with this.

What is a Christian and what do they believe in?

This term we have been exploring Christianity in RE. Our first job was to answer ‘Who is a Christian and what do they believe?’.

We used pictures to notice what Christian’s might believe in. Oliver said, ‘some people believe God made the world’. Leyland said, ‘Christian’s believe in angels’s, people believe they carried God the heaven. When people die they become angels’. Charlie-Jade suggested that Christian’s believe in God. We looked carefully at the pictures and unpicked why each one was important to a Christian.

RE – Christianity ⛪🕯✝

This week in Crew FE we have been learning all about Christianity. We began the week by learning about Christians and what they believe. We talked about how they go to church to worship God, pray, sing hymns and celebrate. We looked at what items and who might be found inside a church including a priest, vicar or minister and what their role is. We also discussed the Bible (the Holy Book for Christians) and shared some of the Bible stories that we knew including the Good Samaritan. We also looked at the 10 commandments and shared our thoughts around these including why we thought they were important for Christians. We then focused on a ‘good’ Christian called Florence Nightingale. We found out lots of interesting facts about her including that she helped people during the Crimean War, set up her own nursing hospital when she came back to London and improved the sanitation in all hospitals. We then finished our week of RE by listening to some popular hymns 🎵 including ‘This Little Light of Mine’🕯and ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’ 🌍 🌷 and thought about how the songs were linked to God and Christianity.

RE – Florence Nightingale 🕯️🏥

This week we have spent our RE lessons learning all about Christianity and an important Christian person, Florence Nightingale. We have found out lots of interesting facts about Florence Nightingale and as a Crew we decided that she was a good Christian. She helped lots of people during the Crimean War and even set up her own nursing hospital when she came back to London! 🕯️🏥 We also looked at Christian hymns and discussed the messages that these songs portray. Our favourite was ‘This Little Light of Mine’ 💡⛪

Final RE lesson in MI

Today we started to think about and understand why people stand up against injustice because of their religion. We started the lesson with a role play activity where we set up a bus style scenario. Children had to unpick where people were placed on the bus and possible reasons why. We then changed the places on the bus making some people stand. Again we thought about the reasons why and took ourselves back to our spring expedition. We then watched a re-enactment of the story of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus boycott. Once we had unpicked the clip and re-enacted the story in mini crews, we looked at some bible quotes and thought about how they related to the story and the meanings behind them.

We then worked with our partner to generate questions that we would ask the main characters from the clip. We thought about the characters feelings and motivations at the time, particularly why as a Christian, Rosa Parks felt it was important to stand up for her rights. We then took it in turns to be the characters in a hot seating activity.

Finally we worked in mini crews to create an interview with one of the characters but set in modern times, allowing the interviewees to reflect on the results of the Civil Rights Movement. A great final RE lesson in MI today 🙂