RE – Christianity ⛪🕯✝

This week in Crew FE we have been learning all about Christianity. We began the week by learning about Christians and what they believe. We talked about how they go to church to worship God, pray, sing hymns and celebrate. We looked at what items and who might be found inside a church including a priest, vicar or minister and what their role is. We also discussed the Bible (the Holy Book for Christians) and shared some of the Bible stories that we knew including the Good Samaritan. We also looked at the 10 commandments and shared our thoughts around these including why we thought they were important for Christians. We then focused on a ‘good’ Christian called Florence Nightingale. We found out lots of interesting facts about her including that she helped people during the Crimean War, set up her own nursing hospital when she came back to London and improved the sanitation in all hospitals. We then finished our week of RE by listening to some popular hymns 🎵 including ‘This Little Light of Mine’🕯and ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’ 🌍 🌷 and thought about how the songs were linked to God and Christianity.