We loved making our own pitta pizza today in our expedition lesson. We followed a recipe created by KS1 children at Carcroft in 2023. They were delicious!
Today, we lead our own learning in Crew Wilkinson. We used the text, (Malala Yousafzai: A Voice for Education)to create 3 Reasons To Read questions for our partner to answer. We used our skimming and scanning skills to help us create our questions.
Yesterday the children in Crew Robson practiced their chopping, grating and spreading skills to make their very own pitta pizzas. They really impressed me with how they worked together to support each other. It was lovely to see them enjoying their fruits of their labour too! Great work Crew!
To support our expedition, we had a discussion around a tray of items that Miss McGlone had brought in for us to look at. There were binoculars, insect pots and magnifying glasses. We talked about what each item was used for and how we could use them in our outdoor area. Working in small groups, we took the items outside and took it in turns to see what we could discover using this special equipment. Unfortunately, we didn’t find many bugs or insects – just a worm who tried his best to escape from Hunter’s fingers! We noticed birds in the trees and flying through the sky by looking through the binoculars and we saw lots of plants growing in more detail after looking at them through the magnifying glasses. We are going to continue to use our equipment throughout the year to see what wonderful things visit our outdoor area in the different seasons!
The children have really enjoyed learning about the life cycles of a butterfly. They have been using their fine motor skills to create their own butterfly life cycle. The children can now recite the stages using actions.