Last week, Crew MI learnt all about light. We investigated how light travels and learnt that it travels in straight lines. We explored what would happen if we blocked the light if we moved cardboard. Here are some of our fantastic science reports.
Crew MI- making a periscope
We had great fun learning about how light travels and how we can use a periscope to look around corners. We enjoyed exploring how light reflects off the mirrors into our eyes so we can see.
Our First Week Back
It’s been a busy first week back but we’ve managed to have a lot of fun too. Watch our weekly roundup for just a snippet of the things that we’ve been doing!
Being scientists in hook week 🥼👩🔬👨🔬
In our expeditionary learning we started to wonder about how we see and how light travels. We watched a variety of clips to understand the different parts of the eye, how they help us see and how these parts are similar to a camera. We even used pen torches (like a real nurse/doctor) to see how our pupils got smaller to let less light in.
We then took part in a scientific investigation where we explored the question, ‘How do we know that light travels in straight lines?’ We used given equipment to set up our investigation and worked well in mini crews, ensuring everyone had a role. After discussions and a debrief, we started to think about writing up our scientific reports and what we would need to include.
How do we see objects? You may just think its all down to our eyes but actually its light reflecting off objects into our eyes. We even explored green standard explaining how we see colour. Today we made our own periscopes to see around corners to further understand light and how we see.
Welcome back Crew MI
We started the day in crew discussing our Christmas holidays and it was lovely to hear the children sharing their highlights. We then practised our SLC’s ready for next week.
In maths we converted fractions to decimals and worked well collaboratively to support each other. The lesson really challenged our thinking but we all did a great job 🙂
In our expeditionary learning we started to think about how we see and how light travels. We watched a variety of clips to understand the different parts of the eye and how these parts are similar to a camera. We then took part in a scientific investigation where we explored the question, How do we know that light travels in straight lines? We used given equipment to set up our investigation and worked well in mini crews, ensuring everyone had a role. After discussions and a debrief, we started to think about writing up our scientific reports and what we would need to include.
Yr 5/6 Final Product
This afternoon, we shared our final product, which was a science expo, with our parents. A HUGE THANK YOU to all the parents that joined us. It was great seeing so many of you turning up but also being fully engaged in the activity.
The crew were rather nervous today but I’m sure you’ll agree that they absolutely smashed it. I am beyond proud of them.
If you have an feedback regarding the Science expo, we would really appreciate your feedback. You can send this in with your child or catch me on the door at the end of the day tomorrow.
Once again thanks for joining us!
Scientists in the making!
Fascinating Forces
We started the week researching different types of forces. We got hands on to demonstrate these to develop a deeper understanding before we are going to focus on these individually later on in the week.
We now can explain and demonstrate gravity, friction, water resistance and air resistance 🤩
Investigating gravity in MI
Today we looked at a Newton meter and measured the force acting on different objects. We worked collaboratively to do this and used the scale to read the amount of newtons.
Using our knowledge so far we then thought about what we could do to test gravity. This became our aim. This was what we wanted to find out. We then thought about what a hypothesis was and its purpose. We thought about how this would help our investigation. We then wrote our own hypothesis.
From here we took part in the investigation testing out our aim and hypothesis. You can see us in action below… We were all shocked by what we found out!
Exploring types of forces in MI
Today we started to explore and discuss forces in our expedition lessons. We watched a variety of different clips to understand what a force is and the different types. We then became active and showed both gravity and friction in different ways. We then used the knowledge we had gained to create our own anchor chart for our working wall on the different types of forces. We showed great collaborative working and supported our partner well.