Personal Development

Y6 got the opportunity to apply for a position that was advertised: Carcroft Tuck Shop Coordinator. The children were taught how to apply for a job, relating it to the real world, using the job description to help fill in individual application forms. The well deserved 3 children were successful and application forms have been saved for the next coordinators in March. Watch this space for the Carcroft Tuck Shop to have its grand opening next year!

Christmas singing at China Cottage

I had the pleasure of taking Crew Elmer to our local care home China Cottage to sing a number of Christmas songs for their residents. It was a really lovely morning and the children made me very proud. They have worked so hard on practising the songs and they sang so beautifully. The residents joined in and it brought a smile to every face in the room. The children were then treated to a little gift that had been wrapped by the residents themselves, handed out by Santa and his elf. Thank you so much to the team at China Cottage for allowing us to come and spread some Christmas joy, and for all their hard work looking after the wonderful residents in their care. Wishing everyone at China Cottage a very merry Christmas!

Wow! What a performance!

It was pleasure to be able to watch the Cheerleading and Acro performance on Thursday afternoon. The children from KS1 and KS2 performed the dances they have been learning during this term in lunchtime clubs.

The performance oozed confidence and the high quality learning that has taken place during these clubs. It was great to see children from previous years perform but also lots of new faces. A massive well done to all involved. They should be very proud of themselves.

Scotty’s Heroes

Crew Hamill were very lucky on Friday and were able to take part in an extra Scotty’s session which focused on survival skills. We carefully followed instructions to use a flint and steel to create fire! We began by learning how to use the flint and steel properly to create sparks and then used this to set a piece of cotton wool on fire. Once we’d mastered this skill, we added some vaseline to our cotton wool balls and set them alight again. This time, they burned for longer and create a flame! We had SO much fun!

Bullcroft Christmas Light Switch On

A number of our Year 5/6 pupils sang a selection of Christmas carols to celebrate the Christmas lights being switch on at Bullcroft Memorial Hall. It was lovely to hear the children singing so beautifully! A huge thank you to the children who attended – even though it was on a Saturday! And a massive thank you to the grown ups who joined us. Feeling very proud!