Case Study 1 Reflection

Yesterday, Crew Hamill completed a Padlet in which each child added their own statements to each section, detailing the information they could remember from everything we have learned during our first science case study. Miss Hamill was impressed with just how much we’d remembered!

Becoming Gardners

Today we became Gardners for our fifth castle job. We learnt about how important Gardners were as they planted fruits and vegetables for the kings, queens, lords and ladies to eat at their banquets.

We planted our very own seeds and have taken them home to look after.

Regular verbs

In grammar this week, we have been learning about regular verbs and how they change based on whether they are in the past, present or future tense. E.g. The dog barked = past tense, The dog barks = present tense, The dog will bark = future tense.

Children worked in pairs to decide whether a sentence was the last, present or future tense.


Crew Welburn got to go to xp outdoors again this week and because we are now in October we decided to decorate a pumpkin using the natural resources from the forest area.

Magic Musician’s

Crew Godley had their first guitar lesson today and Brett was so impressed by our determination to improve our skills. He said we were naturals! We can’t wait for our lesson next week!

‘To have’ Verbs

Continuing in our mission to learn all there is to know about verbs, Crew Hamill began investigating ‘to have’ verbs. We learned that the ‘to have’ verb shows when you own something or hold something. We played a game of Left Side/Middle/Right Side in which we had to run to the part of the room that had the correct verb. We then worked in mini crews to identify some verbs within sentences before completing our exit tickets independently.

We learned that:

Has is used when talking about 1 noun.
Have is used for more than one as well as with you and I.
Had is used to show the past tense.