Today the children were learning to balance when jumping from 2 feet to 2 feet or 2 feet to 1 foot and then they smashed jumping from 2 feet, half a turn and then land on 2 feet .

Today the children were learning to balance when jumping from 2 feet to 2 feet or 2 feet to 1 foot and then they smashed jumping from 2 feet, half a turn and then land on 2 feet .
Over the past few weeks, we have been working hard mastering different skills involving fractions. In this lesson, we started taking away fractions with different denominators. Before we can continue with the subtraction, we ensured that each fraction was converted to have the same denominator then subtracted the numerators. Finally, if our numerator was larger than the denominator, we would convert the fraction to a mixed number. Amazing work Crew Wilkinson.
Last week 10 children from KS1 represented Carcroft at a basketball tournament at XP.
Archie even won a special medal.
Well done everyone!
The children in Year 2 have loved reading to some of the children in Crew Wilkinson. They are working hard to improve their fluency by reading each day. Keep up the great work everyone!
Crew Hamill had so much fun going out into our forest area to complete our next Scotty’s session. This session focused on creating a shelter that we would be able to protect ourselves from the elements in! We worked in mini crews to use the equipment given to create a space that we could hide from the rain. We then looked at what we could put inside our shelter to make it more comfortable! Well done to Kira and Taylor who earned Scotty’s Heroes this week due to their stewardship for packing away the equipment another crew had left behind!
This morning in Crew, we explored the importance of storytelling and how it helps develop our creativity, imagination, and brings the magic of words to life!
Ms. White shared her love for reading real-life texts that she can truly immerse herself in. Sharni-Mae agreed and mentioned she is currently reading a book about a young boy who lost his father in an airplane crash. From this, we decided to look at First News to see what interesting facts we could find, which might inspire stories. Mason found some information with regards to homelessness and Declan found that dogs can smell when we are unwell! Both would make a great fiction story!
We have been LOVING our times tables stick practice this term, learning different strategies for working out unknown times tables.
Crew Hamill have worked really hard this week on their comprehension skills. We have worked as a crew to remind ourselves the skills needed to solve vocabulary and fact and retrieval questions. Once we’d done this, we worked in pairs to solve some questions of our own.
Today in expedition we have discussed the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates. We used our reading skills to retrieve information, by playing fastest finger first and discussing our findings. Some of the facts really surprised us when reading. We then explored the types of skeletons linking these to vertebrates and invertebrates. We then tested our understanding so far with a quick quiz!
We then worked to sort animals into the two groupings based on what we had discovered – vertebrates and invertebrates. Moving onto the human skeleton, we explored how many bones an adult human skeleton has and looked at what a skeleton does. Did you know that an adult has 206 bones but as a baby, we have 300! We linked our skeleton to the digestive process, thinking about the organs that are protected by our bones. We assessed our understanding with a Kahoot quiz, it was very close with only a point between Mason and Declan!
Crew McGlone really enjoyed making paint heads using powder paint and a straw. What a great technique they had.