Crew Welburn loved getting out in the forest and getting muddy. They found lots of interesting bugs. We even found slug eggs.

Crew Welburn loved getting out in the forest and getting muddy. They found lots of interesting bugs. We even found slug eggs.
Yesterday in Crew F2, we made oobleck! We mixed cornflower and water to explore the different textures we could feel when we put our hands into the tuff tray. We said that the mixture felt soft, gloopy and slimy. We had lots of fun exploring.
Last week in Crew F2, we went on a hunt for the bear that had been in our classroom! We walked through the swishy grass, through the cold river, we stumbled through the forest, and we swirled and whirled in the snowstorm! Eventually, we got to a narrow, gloomy cave! We crawled through and spotted a bear! We were very glad that we had our teddies with us to help us to feel safe.
Crew Welburn got to go to xp outdoors again this week and because we are now in October we decided to decorate a pumpkin using the natural resources from the forest area.
This morning, something had left some footprints in our classroom when we came into school… We looked closely to investigate what it might have been. Lots of us thought that it might have been a bear, some of us thought a dog, and others thought a dinosaur!
After we had investigated the footprints in the room, Miss Welburn showed us different types of footprints. We practiced talking to our partner to say what we thought the footprints belonged to. We had lots of ideas like dogs, humans, and lions and tigers because of the sharp claws on the end! We’ve asked Miss Welburn to check the cameras to see what it was that was in our classroom and we can’t wait to investigate on Tuesday!
Yesterday in our outdoor provision area, we were really excited to try and build a den! We found lots of pieces of material and used the wooden posts to try and create our very own den, but it kept falling down! After talking to each other, we decided that some rope through the holes in the wooden pegs would be a good idea to peg the pieces of fabric to! Once our den was built, we climbed inside and pretended that we were ‘sleeping under the stars’! Some of us even made a camp fire to keep ourselves warm and to cook our food on. We had lots of fun building our den.
Crew Welburn got to explore our forest school area today where they were searching for bugs
We’ve had lots of fun today working as a crew to build houses and tunnels using our polydrons outside. We listened carefully to the instructions on how to make the different structures, and worked together to find the pieces, rotate them round and fit them together until we had built the house and the tunnel. We loved playing together in them!
We’ve had a lovely time getting to know the children in Crew F2 over the past few days. We’ve explored provision, made lots of new friends and had time to sing and listen to stories! We can’t wait to see what the rest of the year hold with our new crew!