Next week at Carcroft – It’s a busy one!

(Week commencing – Monday 4th July)

Monday – Children to come in PE kit for the Sports For Champions visit.

Tuesday – Children to come in non-school uniform and bring a chocolate donation for the Summer Fayre, Nursery to come in sensible footwear as it is their sports day in the afternoon at 1:30pm.

Wednesday – Children to come in PE kit in for Sports Day (KS2 9am-11:30am/ KS1 1pm-2:30pm)

Thursday – Summer Fayre (2:30pm – 4:30pm)

Year 2 Passage Presentations

As our amazing Year 2 children prepare to move onto Key Stage 2, we are asking them complete passage presentations to their adults. The presentation will reflect on their personal and school journey across Key Stage 1 and share their successes.

We would love to invite adults to come to school to share this journey. Please could you complete the form below to select the timeslots you are available to attend the presentation. We will endeavour to arrange appointments in the first choice slots but it may be necessary to utilise the second choice options. Please could we ask that different days are selected to try and ensure that we can accommodate as many people as possible.

Passage Booking Form

We would also love to include photographs of your child from the past two years. If you would like to add a couple of photographs from home, please email these to [email protected] and we will add these to the presentation.

Please do not hesitate to speak to either of us if you have any questions.

Thank you once again for your support

Mr Longley and Mrs Godley

KS1 Rounders Tournament

Today, some of our Year 1 and Year 2 children have took part in a rounders tournament at Campsmount School. The children showed how well Carcroft School work as a team, and were cheering each other on throughout the afternoon. Their crew building and communication skills really shone through today and made myself and Mrs Scott feel really proud of them! 😁 We can’t wait to try again next year after a little bit more practice as we think the team will be amazing! 🌟

Brilliant Beamish!

What a fabulous day out we’ve had at Beamish! ☀️Travelling back in time to Durham, we had the opportunity to experience what life would have been like during the different eras, right back to the Victorian times. We explored the town with all of its wonderful shops and the bank, and we went into the different houses. We visited the dentist’s house and found out all about how the old toothbrushes were made. We certainly won’t want to think about the pig’s bottom at the same time as brushing our teeth!😬 We also got to experience a mining pit village and the cottages that would have been found in a village like this. We were amazed at the quaintness of the cottages and the thought of going to the toilet outside in the dark and cold. Our trip down the mine was also a real eye-opener, as we discovered the size if the mine and the conditions that the miners had to endure. We even met a miner who had worked at Bullcroft and Bentley! Our visit to the Victorian school was very different to our own school. The lessons were very different to ours at school (except the phonics!) and the teacher was very strict, but we still enjoyed them. We’ve had so much fun and have had lots of smiles on our faces all day.