Mental health – 8/6/22

A massive thank you to Mr Ibbotson who took the time to come and be our expert about mental health.
During his talk, he explained about mental health, how we can look after it and the impact to our daily lives if we don’t take care of ourselves.

The children had lots of questions to ask which helped their understand and develop their knowledge. Amazing to have an expert on hand to help us.

Crew Shields – 27/5/22

What a great day with swimming. Lots of children pushing themselves to achieve and it’s been great in Crew hearing them talk about how proud of themselves they are.

Have a lovely half term. Have fun and be safe.

Heart Dissection

Today, we had the chance to dissect a heart which would allow us to develop our understanding further. We weren’t all delighted at the prospect of cutting the heart open but we had a go. Although, some of us had to leave the room. Definitely, a different experience in the classroom for Crew Shields.

Max/Ellie – I enjoyed exploring the aorta and the vena cava.

Hannah – I loved dissecting the heart and exploring the aorta and vena cava.

Ellie – I learned the muscle on the right side of the heart is thicker because it has more work to by pumping all the blood around the body. The Left muscle wall is thinner because it only has to pump blood to the lungs.