Dear Parents and Carers,

As you are already aware, we are currently experiencing rapidly rising cases of Covid19 within our Year 5 cohort. You have already been asked to ensure that all children in Year 5 complete a PCR test and that you provide proof of your results to us to share with Public Health Doncaster.

Based on the number of results returning as positive for Covid19, Public Health Doncaster have advised that we close Year 5 one week early. The aim of this is to limit the spread of Covid19 across our school and wider community so that peoples’ Christmas plans are not impacted by the need to isolate on Christmas Day.

To confirm, Year 5 will not return to school next week and will complete learning from home next week.

Staff in school will be spending this afternoon and Monday morning preparing learning activities which will be shared on Google Classroom for those who have devices and delivered to home addresses for those who do not have a device or access to the internet. These activities will be based on what they would have been completing in school and consolidation tasks based on their learning this term.

For those families who are eligible for free school meals, school will be in touch to organise a lunch each day for those not in school. This will likely be in the form of the online vouchers that parents received during the half-term and summer holidays.

Thank you in advance for your continued support and understanding.

Stay safe everyone.

Yours faithfully,

James Tucker

Acting Headteacher


Year 5 Visit to Danum Gallery – 30/11/21

We have loved our visit to Danum Gallery and getting the chance to see some steam locomotives up close.  Thankfully it was a little bit warmer than yesterday!

After what seemed like we’d been walking forever, we made it to Adwick Station in time to do a spot of train watching before our train arrived.  We saw two high-speed Azuma trains (which were made in Doncaster) shoot by and a diesel locomotive pulling containers as well as learning a little bit more about the markings on the platform, the departure board and what the signals meant.  Boarding our train was a new experience for some of us and the gap was a little intimidating.  We managed it though, and were quick to find some seats.

We snaked our way through Doncaster and enjoyed looking at all the Christmas decorations that were on show.  Walking through Sir Nigel Gresley Square, we were shocked by the colours of the council building before arriving at Danum Gallery.  Did you know there’s also a children’s library there?  We didn’t!  

After leaving our coats and bags in the Paddington Room (the first bear was made in Doncaster), we headed down to the basement for our workshop.  Underneath the impressive Green Arrow, we listened to the story of how all the train memorabilia was collected before being sent on a nameplate hunt.  There were loads!  Some were named after royals, others were animals and one was even named after Doncaster Rovers! 

Our next activity was to find some more information about the two real steam locomotives on show.  There was the Green Arrow, designed by Sir Nigel Gresley and the No. 251, which was designed by Henry Ivatt.  They were huge!

Our last activity was looking at artefacts from the early days of trains.  A quick hunt warmed us up before we had to try and guess the purpose of a selection in front of us.  

After lunch, we got to explore a bit more of the museum and we enjoyed some of the more interactive activities available as well as seeing some of the history behind Doncaster.  It’s strange to think that so much has happened in our little town.

Once we had seen everything, it was time to head back to school.  If the walk in the morning was long, this one went on forever!  After what must have been years of walking, and lots of cajoling from the adults, we did finally make it back onto the right train and back to school.  There were so many highlights that you’ll have to ask us yourself which part was our favourite but there’s one thing that we all agree on…we’ll sleep well tonight!


Crew Boswell – 12th November 2021

It’s been a busy week for us in Crew Boswell as we’ve looked to push on from our great first week back. Here’s some of the highlights to give you a glimpse as well as our quote for the week…

“Mistakes are proof that you are trying.”


Maths Week

This week we have been enjoying a range of activities and games in maths. From multiplication to number bonds and sequences to fractions there has been plenty of learning going on and some real excitement about developing our skills in maths.


We have continued to look at states of matter during our expedition lessons and have looked at how we can alter the time it takes for solutes to dissolve. There were some surprises during our investigation but these have certainly been some of the more exciting sessions that we have had. Did you know that rice is insoluble in water but does change the colour of the water?


We are continuing to develop our teamwork in crew through the use of COJO and Scotty’s Heroes as well as our daily reflections about our learning. It has been great to see us taking more time to support each other and this was most evident when trying to learn our Bulgarian numbers. They’re a lot harder than they look! This also gave us a little insight into how it feels trying something unfamiliar and the importance of having support to help us to get things right. We’re sure that we can build on this throughout the year!

Our Weekly Reflection

We have had a lot of success this week (including some extra break time for beating our HoWL score from last week) and there has been plenty of praises within the crew. Here are just a few of the praises and wonders that we have discussed:

“I praise Ivan for focusing on his learning today and completing our work in expedition.”

”I praise Freya for showing us how to be a good sportsperson when we don’t win at something.”

“I praise everyone for trying to learn a little Bulgarian.”

”I praise Gabriel for making us laugh a lot today.”

”I wonder if we can help each other to focus by not talking as much.”

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and we’re looking forward to another exciting (and shorter) week next week!