This afternoon, Crew McGlone had brunch with a very special guest – Santa! He brought along his reindeer Rudolph and his cheeky elf sidekick!
Category : British Values in Action
Remembrance Day 2024
Crew McGlone have spent time over the last week discussing why it is important for us to think about those people who helped and continue to help to keep our country safe, and thank them for everything they do. We created fork paintings of poppies that Miss McGlone put together into a wreath for our whole school Remembrance Day display.
We then also made our own poppies using apples and carrots to print with inside a laminating pouch. Once they were dry, they were put through the laminator and we have put them on our classroom windows.
St George’s Day
Crew Hamill loved having their picnic in class on St George’s Day! We used the afternoon to learn more about who St George was and why he was so important. We then focused on the British Values – democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance. For our activities, we had a Crew Focus on tolerance. We discussed what this meant, understanding that we all don’t share the same beliefs and values but that it is important to respect the values, ideas and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own onto them. We then thought about what the term ‘tolerance’ actually means and identified things that can impact on our own tolerance levels. We created ‘tolerance cups’, filling our cups with all of the day to day things that can niggle us and lead to us having lower tolerance levels. Once we had done this, we thought about the things that ‘make us pop’ – those things that mean our tolerance has run out and we struggle to control our emotions. Finally, we thought about what we could do to calm our brains in these situations and allow ourselves time to top our tolerance back up.

Celebrating St George’s Day!
To celebrate St George’s Day in Crew Godley we participated in a number of fun activities! We began by enjoying our ‘British’ crew picnic where we sat together and ate sandwiches, sausage rolls and cakes. We then completed a carousel of art activities including, creating colourful shields, pointillism dragons and collage flags. We also discussed why we were creating the different pieces, who St George was and what he accomplished!

Earth Day – Seed Bombs
To celebrate Earth Day, we spent time in our XP Outdoors crew session making seed bombs!
We used flour, wildflower seeds, compost and water and mixed them altogether to create a mixture. We then took this mixture and rolled it into golf-sized balls and put them aside to dry. Once they are dry we will take some home but also plant some in our outdoor area at school. Seed bombs simply need to be dropped into soil and nature will do the rest. Over time they will turn into beautiful wildflowers!

Celebrating St George’s day!
We loved learning all about St George and how he fought a dragon. This afternoon we enjoyed our St George’s quest and completed a range of activities.

Celebrating St George
In Crew this morning we discussed who Saint George was and why is is celebrated on 23rd April. We worked collaboratively to make a handprint dragon as part of our crew challenge.

At lunchtime we enjoyed our indoor picnic served in a union flag box!

Finally this afternoon we completed our St George’s Day quest. We had to complete three craft activities including pointillism dragons, collage shields and a London inspired Union flag. The children loved taking part in all the activities and collecting stickers when they completed a challenge.

Y6 Crucial Crew
Today we have participated in various scenarios in order to keep us as children safe within the community. Here’s a few snippets of what we got up to…

Respecting our rights and differences 🌎
Today in citizenship Crew we talked about how dull the world would be if we were all the same! We celebrated our differences and things that made each of us unique. We had some fantastic discussions around the differences we observed in the pictures and concluded no matter where you are from or what you may look like we should treat each other with kindness and respect. Evie made a great point that in doing this we would all keep each other safe.

Citizenship Crew
Today in Citizenship crew we continued looking at our rights and the rights of others. We discovered that showing respect for others is really important, to ensure everyone feels safe and cared for. We looked at different scenarios and sorted them into two groups, those that showed respect and those that didn’t. We had some really interesting discussions and Oliver again blew us away with his knowledge and understating of social norms.