Celebrating beautiful work

The children have loved dressing up in their favourite characters for world day and we have been super impressed with the paper plates designs. Crew F2 have also enjoyed spending time with the older children reading to them. They were really impressed and can not wait to be able to read as well as them!
The children have been using their creative skills in expedition. Using fine motor movements and discussing the features of plants, to create water colour paintings with a range of lines and shapes that will be used within the community. Well done F2.
The children have been working super hard on their writing skills. Now in a morning they write their names, numbers to 10, and now affirmation sentences. They have been amazing at recalling the properties of a sentence such as adding a full stop at the end. Well done crew F2.
After reading the anywhere garden story we decided to make our very own, using play dough as a base for our gardens, the children used their fine motor, creative, and friendship skills to create many different versions.
The Children have really enjoyed learning the parts of a flower today in their expedition. Once learning the plant parts song, the children have created independent observational drawings. They have loved smelling and feeling the flowers and couldn’t wait to explore them more!
Today in KS1 we filmed and recorded our song and dance that will form part of our final product.
Geoff from XP came in with all his recording equipment and he is now going to start putting the video together for us. We are very excited to share it will you later in the term!
Today we were scientists again and discussed what humans and animals need to survive. The children knew they needed food and water to survive and we also discussed the importance of air.
They produced lots of beautiful work. Well done everyone!